Chapter Six

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Hey guys it's been a long time and I'm so so sorry. Junior year was extremely hectic and busy and I just didn't have the time or motivation for this story. I rediscovered it recently tho and figured out how to continue and finish it. I also found some old snippets of writing from other fandoms that I might publish as one shots if anyone would be interested. Anyways this chapter is kind of a filler so I apologize if it's boring but I promise you the story will pick up with some drama soon.

The next morning you wake up to Tonks in the kitchen making coffee and eggs. She's humming softly to herself which makes you smile because she never lets you hear her sing. If she knew you were listening she'd probably kill you.

As you're about to get up, memories of last night flood through your head. You have no complaints about the dream that's for sure. But why was she acting like that? Did she know somehow? No. There's no way. Is there?

"Good morning." You hum as you walk into the kitchen.

"Morning N/n!" She says cheerfully as she looks up from the eggs. "The coffee will be ready in a minute if you'd like some."

"Sure, that'd be great." You say as you take a seat in the kitchen.

As you're waiting you start fidgeting with a bracelet on your wrist, debating whether or not to bring up what happened last night.

"Dora?" You give in to your thoughts.

"Yes, love?"

You pause at the nickname, unsure if you want to accuse her of not telling you something.

"Um, last night..."

She turns around from the stove trying to hide a nervous look on her face.

"When I told you about my dream you Is there something I should be worried about? Like a curse or something? Does it mean anything?"

She takes a sharp inhale and reaches behind herself to turn off the stove.

"Um... no. No, you're okay. It's nothing to be worried about, love."

She takes the pan and approaches the table while avoiding eye contact. As she dishes the eggs to you she notices that you're still looking at her, waiting for her to continue.

"My guess is that you're still a bit exhausted or stressed from the transition, that's all." She nods at you in a forced reassuring way.

"'re probably right." You decide to drop it, not wanting to argue. "Did you have any plans today?"

She looks at you with relief that you decided to change the subject.

"Actually... I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to the ministry today? I have some paperwork and a few things to pick up."

"Um sure, I don't know if I'd be any help just tagging along though."

"Well, I guess that leads me to my next question. I was thinking, and I don't know if you had any plans to continue school or not, so of course you don't have to do this if you don't want to. Anyways, if you're interested I think you might enjoy the Auror training program that the ministry offers. I just completed it myself and... I don't know it might be nice if you wanted to... stay here or-"

She was rambling.

You rest your hand on top of hers to calm her down.

"I'd love to check it out." You say with a smile, meeting her eyes.

She exhales as a smile forms on her lips and the tension releases from her shoulders.

"Great!" She squeezes your hand.


Later that afternoon, you're following Tonks through the roads of downtown London. After weaving in and out of the crowds for a while she leads you up to a red telephone booth and opens the door.

"What are we doing here?" You ask, genuinely confused.

"Just go inside and trust me." She motions her head towards the booth with an amused smile on her face.

Oh how you loved that smile.

Hesitantly, you step inside the booth and turn back towards her. She steps inside after you and closes the door before turning to face you.

Given the fact that telephone booths are designed for one person, having the two of you inside made for very little room between her face and yours. No complaints though.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

"For what exactly?" You say trying to avoid looking at how close her lips were to yours.

Tonks reached over to the phone and entered what must have been a code. After about a second there was a loud click and the floor started to move. By instinct, you reach over and grab Tonks' hand. She looks at you and places her other hand on top of yours.

"It's alright, love. Just watch this."

You look out and notice that the floor is moving down like an elevator and that you're headed underground. After passing through the layers of brick that made up the street, the booth lowered itself into what appeared to be a fancy tunnel system.

She didn't have to lean far to get close to your ear.

"Welcome to the ministry." She whispers.

I'm currently working on the next chapter already and I hope it'll keep you guys interested!

Y/n gets to meet some of Tonks' friends from the ministry.
When words get misheard, Y/n starts to think something that they never wanted to fathom.

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