Chapter Nine

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Hey guys... Sorry I completely ghosted again. I started college right after I posted the last chapter and since then I haven't been able to catch a break. Anyways! I only have like a month left of school before summer so hopefully I'll be able to get more out soon. Enjoy!

*Sometime in the middle of your 4th year*

Another school week was coming to a close, but Friday nights were usually far from calm for the students at Hogwarts. You were sitting with your friends in the common room just hanging out, whispers of yet another upperclassmen Slytherin party making their way around the school.

Your friends were trying to convince you to go with them but it honestly wasn't really your scene. Plus, it was pretty rare that fourth years would be able to get into an upperclassmen party anyways. You'd have to know someone or be able to flirt your way in, otherwise you were pretty much out of luck.

"Oh come on Y/n, we gotta at least try. If Charlie is there I can try to convince him to help us get in." your friend says with a slight smirk.

You had to admit to yourself, It would be pretty fun if you guys were able to get in.

"Okayyyy I guess we can try." You finally give in.

Within the next twenty minutes, you and your friends were dressed up and adding the finishing touches to your makeup. You still were a little hesitant and couldn't believe that you were persuaded into this. On the other hand, you had to admit you looked pretty hot all dressed up.

So, you soon find yourself and your friends waiting in the mass of people crowding the way into the dungeons that were the Slytherin's quarters. The hallways are dark but the muffled beats of music float above everyone along with the faint scent of marijuana.

"Guys I don't see Charlie." your friend whines.

"I thought you said he would be here!" your other friend snaps back.

Yeah this is pretty much exactly how you thought this would play out.

Well... that was until you happened to look in front of your friends in line and lock eyes with the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen. You knew you had seen her in passing before, but never had the courage to say anything. She was looking back at you now when you snapped back. She had this bright purple hair that made her stand out in the crowd, especially with the all-black outfit she had on.

Neither of you look away from each other except for when her eyes briefly traveled down your body and back up to yours again.

Just then, whoever was at the door said something to her group of friends, presumably asking how many of them there were.

She turned to face her group momentarily and then back to you, gesturing with her head for you to follow them.

You hesitate for a moment, looking back at your friends. They were still arguing and looking for that weird red head boy they were talking about. You decide that they likely wouldn't even notice if you slipped away, so you quickly shuffle after the purple haired girl.

You had never been able to get into a Slytherin party before so you can't help but let your jaw drop when you walk through the door. The only lights in the room were the iconic emerald green of their house. Music was blaring and the air was slightly hazy from the crowd smoking in the corner.

You're lost taking in your surroundings until the feeling of a hand resting on your shoulder snapped you back, turning your head to see her slightly smirking.

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