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You woke up to the smell of bacon and hash brown cooking. Looking over at the clock, you saw was 9:02am. You sat up, yawning, and sliding your legs over so they hung off the edge of the bed. Your feet met the cold hardwood floor, and you stabilized yourself, standing up and stretching. You took a step, swaying for a second, but finding your balance. You opened the door, where the scent of food only increased.

You walked through the hallway and living room, out into the kitchen, and rubbed your eyes. "She's alive!" Rooster said, throwing one arm out, using the other to make what seemed like scrambled eggs. He had a white t-shirt on with his uniform on over, the pants being held up by by his sleeves tied around his waist, like a jacket, only attached. You yawned again, leaning on the door frame. "Fix your hair" he smiled at you, and you patted the top and back of your head, feeling the knots that had formed overnight. "Later." You said, falling back out of the doorway and onto the couch in the living room behind you. You laid down. "Look, I have to go leave for work in about 20 minutes since I'm picking up some folks on the way, but you can stay here for however long you need until whatever situation you're in is sorted out." He said, walking out with a plate of breakfast, mumbling "move" as he pushed your feet out of the away and sat on the couch.

You had barely known him a day, but for some reason you were both feeling very comfortable with each other, in a friend, maybe even sibling sort of way. "You want some?" He said, his mouth full of scrambled eggs. "There's still some left." He used his fork to motion to the food but when you shook your head, he nodded and kept eating. You had the tendency to be pretty non-verbal in the mornings.

"Hey so, I was about to fall asleep last night when I realized that there was a girl in my house, sleeping, and I didn't even know her name." He turned to look at you again, and tilted his head downwards. You face palmed and he chuckled. "Shit, I never did give you my name, did I?" You said sleepily. "Nope, you just laughed and called me 'Brad Brad'." He turned back to his plate of food. "It's Y/N. Astor. Y/N Astor."  You almost forgot your last name for a second. "Mkay.." he said, his mouth stuffed with hash brown. He checked his watch and stood up, walking into the kitchen. You heard some clatter as he put his plate and utensils into the sink, rinsing them off and leaving them there.

"Hey, do you mind if a couple of people from work are over later today for beers? If you do mind, it's not that big of a deal, we could just go hang out at the Hard Deck again." He said, walking back into the living room, and untying the sleeves from around his waist, pulling them up and sticking his arms through them, zipping up the one piece. He didn't zip it all the way, so a bit of his white t-shirt poked through. "I don't mind, I mean, it's your house." You replied. "If anything I could hide in the guest room." You smiled. "Alright. I'll see you later then?" He said, tying his shoes and grabbing his keys. You nodded. "Feel free to do whatever, just don't break anything. Oh, and, lock the door for me, would ya'?" He grabbed his aviator sunglasses smiling, then stepped out and shut the door. You stood up and locked it behind him.

The day was spent watching TV and eating cheese ruffles. At some point, you did get up and go to your car, considering leaving, but deciding to stay. You didn't want to stay too long, but couldn't afford a hotel room. Being in the car though, you changed, and decided to go to the store to pick up a few things you had left at Miles' house. You didn't want to go back there, and you only left a few things. Toothpaste, pads, hair ties, small things like that. Sure you left a load of clothes, but you could live without them for a bit. Currently you had on the same jeans as yesterday, but this time paired with a plain forest green t-shirt, and the same dirty black chuck taylors. You went into the store with 80 dollars, and left with 42. You drove back to the house and went back to watching tv, except this time you made yourself a basic sandwich. You originally weren't going to make actual food but you were hungry and the cheese ruffles weren't filling. Plus, the guys I'm the military, he makes plenty money, he'll be fine without a piece or two of deli sliced turkey breast.

Without You (Bob Floyd x Reader) [Top Gun : Maverick]Where stories live. Discover now