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I literally just put out a 1k celebration and we just hit 2k views which is insane. Thank you all, really. I'm also considering writing other fics and suggestions are welcome (doesn't have to be TG!) Just comment or message me about it :) I LOVE YOU ALL!! ENJOY CHAPTER 6! :)

"Y/N.. Y/N!.. Hey!.. Wake up!"

You opened your eyes to see Rooster standing over you. "Its already 2:30, have you been asleep all day??" He asked. Damn 12 hours of sleep? It was kind of refreshing honestly. Making up for all those nights spent with only 4 hours of it.

"Hello??" Brad said, since you hadn't said or done anything since you opened your eyes. He sat on the end of your bed by your feet and you sat up against your pillow. "Why are you so aggressive about waking me up?" You yawned, taking a good look at him as you gained some energy. He looked like a mom, his arms were crossed and he was staring you down waiting for you to speak. "Bob was awfully smiley today." He provoked you. "So was Hangman, but he was also acting like a girl I knew in grade school who used to sneak flowers into the classroom just to set off our teachers allergies and never got caught." He shrugged it off but turned back to you. "Anyways, are you going to finally tell me what happened yesterday and why you're so tired today?" He winked awkwardly and put one leg over the other. "Oh my god" you said, holding your face in your hands. "What?" He said, smiling, expecting something exciting. "I kissed Hangman.." You mumbled. "Huh?" He didn't hear you. You moved your hands and looked at him. You took a breath and and prepared yourself to actually say it. "I kissed Hangman." You said, louder and clearer. Rooster's face froze, leaving him looking sort of creepy and dead while still smiling. "You did what now?" He said through his stuck smile. "Oh god," you told yourself, returning your face back to your hands, almost immediately picking your head back up. "I kissed Hangman and then I went and had sex with Bob" you sighed, it was like word vomit. You didn't want to say it, you still didn't want to believe it was true. "In the same night??" Rooster said, his face finally moving as his eyebrows rose. You half expected them to fly off his face, his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets and roll onto the ground with how wide they went. He wasn't mad he was just super shocked, exactly like you, except he wasn't internalizing it.

"Oh my god, I know its horrible! It's not like I wanted to kiss him!" You defended yourself. "So does this mean you like Hangman now?!?" He stood up and spun around trying to make sense of everything. "No! No! He's horrible, of course I don't like him!" You said, waving your arms around. "Okay, so, how did it happen then?" He said, stopping himself from yelling and trying to compose himself, placing his arms on his hips. "Like the kiss or what happened with Bob?-" you asked. "Oh my- just," he inhaled to calm himself again. "Just.. The whole night." He said. "No details. I don't want details." He clarified and shrugged, signalling for you to start talking.

"Well.. Bob and I went to the Hard Deck and then he went to the bathroom and this Rumba, no, no it was Tango. Not rumba. Wait actually.. Whatever. It doesn't matter. This song started playing and Hangman asked me to dance with him and I didn't want to but I did anyways and then at the end of the dance we kissed. And then I found Bob and we went to the Griffith Observatory and had sex in the planetarium under the fake stars. Then I came home and went to bed. And here we are." You quickly explained to him, not wanting to touch on the job search or the realization that you were currently stuck in living hell.

"So your not kidding? You actually did..." He filled in the end of the sentence with a nod and a hand wave. "Yeah.." You sighed, hating yourself. "And that's why Hangman and Bob were both .....happy.. with.. themselves today" he was struggling to find the words he needed without sounding creepy. "Yep." You answered unenthusiastically. "Well what are you going to do about it?" He asked. "Do about what?? Its not like I can do anything about it," you shrugged. "Well you have to!" He was starting to gain energy again. "What, you just, you want to hide this until Hangmans ego gets too big and he tells everyone--including Bob--that you two kissed, and then Bob is heartbroken and our team is split up and I'm already a little shaken given everything already going on, but I'll be even more distracted with you and we can all end up dead after failing the one mission that has us all here in the first place!!" He yelled, stopping to stare at you. "Damn" you unintentionally said to yourself under your breath. "Yeah. Damn." He huffed, then walked over to the small window and rubbed his lower lip and chin with the side of his hand. "I don't-" he cut himself off and took a breath, not trying to put the pressure or guilt on you but trying to express his concern. "I don't want to end up like my dad, okay? Maverick's reckless flying is what killed him. He couldn't gain control in what should have been an easy maneuver and I don't want anyone to make the same mistake, especially with how dangerous this specific mission is." He looked at you then back out the window. You both stayed silent for a good minute.

Without You (Bob Floyd x Reader) [Top Gun : Maverick]Where stories live. Discover now