Chapter 23: Welcome to New York

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(Andrea's POV)

To start it all off, I find it weird that Max is not going to use the company jet going to New York, seeing that it is for business purposes anyway. After finishing all the necessary trappings for my Highness, I started a hot bath for myself to calm my shot nerves after last week and last night's happenings and revelations. Somehow, last night was a blessing in disguise as it opened more informations about Max and Cassandra's shared history and he shared that willingly so that says a lot.

After sinking in for about five minutes, the chime for the elevator rang, signifying that Max has just arrived.

"Andrea?" Max calls out and I stood up, dressed in a robe and my fuzzy slippers.

"Room!" I answered back and quickly donned a shirt of his and some lady boxers before he can enter-

"Hi." Max greets from behind and I recoil out of my skin because of shock.

"Jesus, you scared me." I laughed and hugged him as to welcome.

"Sorry about that, Captain America." He smirks and I smirked back.

"So you've noticed. You like?" I asked and twirled for him to see the goods. I don't know, Superman and Batman just doesn't cut it for me. Captain America is the real deal all the way.

"It's cute. I just don't like the fact he's near to what's mine." He murmurs and I just slap his shoulder.

"Hey, it's too early for bed thoughts you naughty dimwit." I reprimanded mockingly and he just gives me a lascivious grin.

"Then stop wearing my shirts without a bra on and being in our bedroom just adds fuel to the fire. Besides, I wanted to go out for dinner before we go to New York tomorrow."

"Our flight is still six in the evening, Max." I said, eyeing him carefully. Max is never forgetful. Within the time of me knowing him, he never forgot a thing but I guess, everyone is a human after all.

"Oh, right. Sorry about that." He apologized and smiled sheepishly as he acknowledges him forgetting.

"Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, baby."

"Are you sick?"

"Definitely not. Just nervous."

"About?" I squint at him, not liking the pace of our conversation since it's like I have to squeeze him for information.

"The acquisition. It's nothing to worry about, baby." He grins but there's something behind those cheeky grins.


"So we're staying here for a week, all the meetings that will be necessary shall take three days which will be held in the Jupiter Conference Room in the Fifth floor. Coincidentally, the same floor shares the swimming pool, jacuzzi and the exclusive bar is just one floor up so if you need to let off steam, you know where to go." I said and he laughs.

"That's hilarious. Besides, I'd rather finish everything first before we slack off and enjoy what New York has in store for us. That sound good enough to you?" Max asks and I nod in response. He has a point anyway.

So far during the first day, the other company was showing signs of good productivity and statistics to our holdings and both parties saw the benefits of being partners with each other as the inferior company starts to decline with it's clients, the best next step would be to just sell the company to a big and stronger wolf out in the field. Max is satisfied with the process and we see the first day's end quickly. Heading down to the deli just across the street from the hotel, we grabbed two sub sandwiches and headed up to our room and had a lazy day in front of the television whilst having a marathon on a new-found series in Netflix and in getting lost within each other.

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