Chapter 27: Trouble

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(Max's POV)

Arriving to the designated and planned isolated warehouse in Riptide Avenue, I immediately ran towards the warehouse and ignored the fact that my fiancée could be in here, God knows what she went through and I shake involuntarily with fear and anger. My security team surrounded the warehouse and will observe when it's safe enough to go in, even without my signal. I trust them with my life so I know they are capable of knowing when to come in to the picture.

There were a few, dimmed lights that leads to only one direction and briskly walked while following it, quiet as a mouse. Walking for about two minutes now, I stiffened when I heard a whimper and a groan that leads to a center hall which is a few steps away and I was about to run towards the noise until I heard the bastârd's voice.

"Hush, darling. Your prince is on his way and I'm lucky he took long enough. Did you enjoy it?" William huskily asked which pushed me to enter the hall and what I saw will forever be etched to my mind and heart.

Andrea was lying down on the concrete floor, half-nakedly exposed to the world, with her dress torn and lies around her. Her brown hair sticking to every direction, her make-up all ruined especially her eyeliner and mascara's black ink trailing down to her cheeks, an evidence of her crying. On the other hand, the demon himself was standing there half-naked like Andrea and I don't like where my imagination is running to and dropped the suitcase I was carrying.

"Ah, welcome to the party, signor Bravucci! I believe 'congratulations' are in order, eh?" William mocked as he was holding Andrea's left hand, her glistening ring positioned in her ring finger.

"How will we negotiate here, William?" I tried to ask him as calm as possible and he sinisterly laughed. What is it with his annoying laugh? It gets on my nerves every damn time.

"How about we listen to a bed time story so you can join her in her slumber?" He grins and I wait for any threatening move but he just beckoned me to sit down on the floor. When I sat down, I felt how cold the ground was and I can't imagine Andrea lying down here for an uncertain length of time.

"You probably think I'm only doing it for the money but no, it's also for my family. Your dad ruined my father's life forced him to declare bankruptcy  so I was left to fend alone, hopping to different orphanages. Sucks. It fùcking sucks. Parents committed suicide and now, I'm here avenging them. Andrea's doing the same thing, you know? I pity what we both want but if it weren't for you, Andrea shouldn't be here." William start story-telling but I was enraged. How dare he blame me that Andrea is here? He's the one who brought her into this situation and we could've talked a bit more like civilized people but I know that will never happen since I was only deluding myself.

"You can hurt me but please don't hurt her." I beg and looked at Andrea's unmoving body and I gulped as realization washed over me. What is she's dead? What if she won't be able to marry me anymore since she'll run for the hills? What if we-

"Too late." He smirked and I stood up immediately and ran towards him but he was able to stop me verbally.

"Be careful and watch what you do. I can shoot you to hell and I would be happy. I have a wonderful woman and a suitcase full of money, hopefully, behind you. I can easily start and build my dreams with Andrea, fulfilling all your dreams instead of you." He taunted and that was the final straw until I lunged for him but heard a gunshot.

William drops in front of me and I see Tobias in the shadows behind some cabinets and was praying to God how lucky and thankful I was for him and the security team. I assessed William's injuries and saw he was only shot in one of his thighs and I dropped to the floor, cradling my Andrea.

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