Chapter 20: Report

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Asking the person in black an updated report regarding the arson case, I walked briskly to the conference room and locked it as I got inside.

"Good morning, Mr. Bravucci." The shadowed figure in front of me greeted.

"Just get on it. I have a meeting ten minutes from now with the Smithson & Co. regarding their falling partnership with us because of this damned thief and-"

"William Smith."

What? William Smith, the man whom I trust which, by the way, is very rare?

"Are you sure?" I choked back my reply, trying to mull over the shadow's accusation. William is probably the closest thing I have to a friend who's a colleague and I don't want to ruin our friendship, if you want to call it like that, just because of a misconception and bad investigation.

"A hundred one percent, sir. The evidences we've collected so far are intriguing enough to look at, if I were you since we are very suspicious about him." The shadow reassured me as I got hold of the folder that was laid out in front of me.

Various pictures of William showing him talking to a hooded person yet wearing a suit was the first batch of pictures and that was suspicious enough.

"A person wearing a suit with a hood. Fishy." I remarked as the shadow in front of me nodded. I looked at the other pictures where William walks towards the infamous building of my archrival in business, Frederick Sterling.

"What is he doing in Sterling's headquarters? The príck! If he's scheming with Sterling, I'm going to cut one of his appendage!" I shout, releasing some of my pent-up anger and running my hand through my hair. Such stress a man can only handle and it's not even noon yet!

"Dig further." The shadow ordered and I followed like a puppy.

Seeing William with Sterling and having a handshake confirms the shenanigans the shadow accused him of. I skipped some pictures since they look alike, just different with the angles and I saw a printed paper and read it.

"After those not-so-secret meetings of Smith with Sterling, Smith always extends his working hours un-"

"He's always been a good employee, lending his time and services selflessly and-"

"Until two in the morning, sir. Perhaps, not that selfless and is he that busy?" The shadow questioned my judgement and I had to gulp since the shadow had a point. William isn't the head of any department but he's a very hardworking employee and I overlooked on to that. God knows he might've been stealing money behind me and the company's back and I still smile, considering him as an acquaintance and sign his paycheck. What a bastárd!

"I need a breath of fresh air. Thank you for the meeting today. I need more evidences and don't stop until I tell you to do so or if you think you have enough evidences to make the silent bástard rot in jail to hell and back." I mutter with so much menace in my voice that it actually sounds pretty intimidating to me if anyone heard me but the shadow didn't even blink an eye. What a damn professional, it's annoying that I can't intimidate the person, though. What a way to hurt my ego.

"How did the meeting go?" Andrea asked as we entered the car, going straight home after the stressful and handful day.

I just grumbled and she just smiled warily with my rather aloof response.

We were plunged into an uncomfortable silence and I just reached for her hand for some warmth but to my surprise, she retracted it slowly and placed it on her lap. What?

"Since you're keeping something from me, I guess I should do too, huh?" Andrea said dismissively and I internally gulped.

I was grateful it only took us twenty minutes before we arrived in the loft and she waited for me to open the car door for her like we always do and I help her out of the car, we didn't walk towards the elevator hold-in-hand though which disappointed me a lot.

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