Chapter 4: The deal and sealing it

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Monday morning welcomed me with rays of sunlight flooding my office, Andrea's cookies and surprisingly, a caramel frappucino with a note.

Thank you for the ride last Friday night. I really appreciate it, Max.

Andrea x

I smiled and took a sip from the drink, reliving me of my thirst caused by the blistering heat and took a bite from the mouthwatering cookies. I buzzed Andrea's desk and when she walked in on me enjoying the goodies she brought, she smiled geniunely.

"Freedom to speak freely, sir?" Andrea asked and I nodded. I didn't want to look disrespectful by talking with my mouth full.

"I was a bit tipsy last Friday night so if I said or did anything embarrassing, please excuse my behavior. I do hope there's nothing of the sort." Andrea apologized and I decided to play with her.

"So you didn't enjoy the wild, passionate kiss we shared?" I said in mock hurt and she gasped.

"W-we kissed?" She stammered and turned crimson and I laughed at her.

"Sorry, Ms. Vinson, I just had to joke about that. No, we didn't kiss." But I want to try. I almost added.

"You can call me Andrea or El, sir."


"El from Ellis. My name is Andrea Ellis. I'm sure you know that the fact you have background checks on almost every person alive." Andrea said and I choked on the frappucino.

"Excuse me?"

"Am I still talking with my freedom?" She asked, scared that she might risk her life for what she's saying.

"Yes, go ahead."

"I know that you have a background check on me so do I have to foretell my whole life that wasn't covered by it?" She asked and I feel challenged so I just urged her to go on and talk.

"Well, let's start with me being an orphan since eighteen, sustaining every needs with my parents' life insurance and savings and lived on a pig sty that you saw last Friday night that I consider my home. I got a scholarship because my dad was a provost at the university and I graduated with honors. Before I graduated high school, I was an exchange student in Italy for six months and since I didn't get much time spending in Italy, I wanted to go back. That's what claimed my parents and my twin brother. I really regretted that because if I had been contented with the time I spent alone then they would still be here. It's sad, really. Now, that case wasn't just an accident because it was arson according to the reports. Since I'm working for you, I wanted to grab the opportunity to hunt for the arsonist and take him down. Do you know where I'm getting at?" Andrea asked.


"Good. I want you to be okay with what I'm doing. No worries about me doing less as your PA because of my original goal because my service will never falter. I just want you to know that I'll be going through company files about the case and hunt down the criminal once and for all. Do you know what you'll get out of this if you help me?"

I'm not stupid or in elementary so I know.

"The company would get rid of the bad image because we solved it and Bravucci Enterprises, Inc. is now case-free." I replied and she nodded.

"Will you help me, Max?" Andrea asked and I stiffen at how sensually she said my name. Was it just me or Andrea pronounced my name with forbidden desire laced on it? If you're going to say my name, at least scream it when you're in my bed! My ego shouted at her and I feel arousal stir in the crotch area of my trousers.

"Of course. It's both beneficial for us so I'll be agreeing on the truce." I said as I tried to revert my thoughts.

"Daydreaming again, huh? I never thought that the great Maximillian Bravucci hasn't gotten over his teenage daydreaming stage." Andrea teased me and I chuckle. Andrea is a really funny girl.

"I've just been thinking about it, that's all, Andrea." I replied.

"Why do you always call me 'Andrea'? I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, it's just that it's a mouthful, aren't you bothered that you don't call me by my nickname?" She asked, bewildered.

"Andrea is a very fierce name, it fits you. Ellis is like for an innocent kitty, which I know is the complete opposite of you." I tsked and she laughed.

"Have you also ran a background check on my sexual activity before, Max?"

"Do you have any?"

We laughed and I realized I've been talking to her for almost twenty minutes now and as they say, time is money.

"Well then Andrea, I'll look forward working with you in office and in person." I said with finality and before she left the room, she sauntered towards my desk, grabbed a cookie and winked at me.

God spare me.


Someone knocked and I shout, "Come in!"

Phillip went in and plopped at the couch near my desk. When he saw the bunch of cookies that I have on my desk, he tried to get some but I immediately stopped him.

"You'll get none of that, Phillip." I said begrudgingly and he backed off my cookies.

"Damn, you got that woman under you skin now, pal. Have you shagged her yet?" Phillip teased and I throw a pen on his head and landed squarely on his cheek.

"I wish. God, she doesn't even know how much she affects me! Just thinking of her..." I trailed on and stopped as I felt the tightening in my trousers for the umpteenth time today just thinking of that temptress.

"I rather admit though, she's a piece of hot meat." Phillip said and wiggled his eyebrows at me and I frowned. I'm the only one who can ogle her, jerk! I shout at Phillip internally.

"I better leave before you pounce on me and break my nose." Phillip chuckled and when he was about to go out, Andrea went in so they bumped into each other.

"Oops, sorry!" Andrea apologized and Phillip acted like he was mad.

"You're such a klutz." Phillip admonished and Andrea being Andrea, she had her head up high and looked directly to Phillip's eyes.

"Listen here you idiotic twerp! It's not my fault that I bumped into you because Lord knows that if I want to bump into someone, that would be Ryan Reynolds so we can bump each other in another type of way!" Andrea said with an eerie manner. I made a mental note not to piss her off ever.

"Did you hear that, mate? She wants to 'bump' with Ryan Reynolds and not you!" Phillip laughed his head off and Andrea just slapped his shoulder.

"Silly men talking about girls like we're some kind of sex toy. Ahh, men!" Andrea said dramatically and making a point about men. It's true though. Some men just use women for their pleasure only.

"I'm gonna leave so I'd avoid her fury. Sorry, man. You have to take it all from her for me." Phillip said and ran off to the nearest exit. Andrea was seething but when he was gone, her mood changed in a nanosecond.

"So are we serious about this morning's little discussion?" Andrea asked.


"Then let's seal the deal." Andrea smirked and walked towards me and before I knew it, Andrea's lips touched mine.

The divine providence finally answered my prayers!

The kiss lasted for about five seconds and it ended when she pulled away. I know why she did because if she didn't stop, we'll probably christening the couch and it will not end until sunrise.

"Next time, don't wear a lipstick." I ordered her and she rose her eyebrows.


"Because it'll smudge whenever I'll kiss you."


A/N: another update but it's rather short! :(

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