Chapter Three

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"You what?!" I ask Susannah with a nervous laugh. "Isn't that the thing where you dress up and then dance in front of everyone?" I ask again, waiting for an answer.

I already knew what it was I just couldn't believe it. I knew nothing about dancing and I had to have a partner so who would I pick? I mean I could always find some random guy hook up with him and then make him go but like I don't feel like doing that.

Susannah started talking about what it really is but I just couldn't focus I kept rethinking if I want this and heck, this might be my last summer before I go to college so I might as well do something to remember it.

"I'm in." I say to Susannah accidentally interrupting her because I wasn't listening but she just came up and kissed my head of out excitement. Belly was still rethink her choice and I told her that she wouldn't be alone if she wanted to go.

"The whole deb thing is shit its for sheep." Con commented and I turned my head to him knowing damn well that he went to it last year.

I just laughed at him while Steven started commenting about how Belly is mature and stuff.


I was now starting to go outside for a night swim and I saw Conrad sitting there smoking a joint so I joined him.

"Hi Connie." I greet him with a smile.

"Hey Nina." He said it back to me while I started getting in the pool with my white swimsuit on. I came back up for air and I walked in the water to Conrad to take his joint.

I took it from his hands and took a puff breathing the smoke out. "Smoking is bad for you." I tell him with a smirk, while giving him his joint back. He just stared at me for a minute before he started to smile. "What?" I ask him with a confused smile.

"Nothing I just didn't know you smoke." He said still staring at me. I just chuckled at him while going underwater for a few seconds.

When I came back up Jeremiah, Steven and Jayden were all there and they were talking about the bonfire. We already talked about this earlier and I said I would go.

"Who is the 'dd'?" I ask the group while drying my hair with a towel. Jeremiah raises his hand I mutter a thank God. "Just let me go change alright?" I tell them before sprinting inside the house to change.


I changed into a short plain dark red dress with my converse and sprinted back outside to the guys. I saw Conrad staring at me so I started laughing while going to grab his hand. We were always like this, me and Conrad. Always hugging or holding hands or laying on each other's shoulders and it was normal for us.

Me, Conrad, Jeremiah, Jayden and Steven all got into the car. Me, Conrad and Steven in the back while Jayden and Jere in the front.

I rested my head on Conrad's shoulder and he rested his head on mine and I don't know how to explain it but it just felt normal to do this.

We arrived at the bonfire and everyone went their own way. Conrad went to get us drinks while I took out a joint from my bra and lit it with my lighter.

When Conrad came back he was definitely carrying more 2 drinks but I didn't mind. I wanted to get hammered today. He came back with a smile and set the drink in between us, took my joint and took a puff.


It was now getting late and me and Conrad are more stoned and hammered then we ever were. Oh and I forgot to mention that Belly came and she looked so gorgeous in that outfit and that I am definitely going to borrow it.

"Okay, okay. I have another, what's your favourite show or movie?" I ask in between laughing. "My favourite show would be Gilmore girls or the Vampire diaries and movie definitely the basketball diaries or Little Women." I say waiting for him to answer.

Just as he was about to answer a guy comes up and grabs Connies drink out of no where. "Hey thats mine give it back." Conrad said still having his patience with him.

"Bro, chill out its just a drink?" The guy said pushing Conrad a bit but he didn't move.

"Conrad let's just go it's alright we will go get a new one." I pull him dragging him away from the scene and just as he was about to walk away the guy said something that triggered Conrad.

"Yeah go listen to that slut!" the guy added making Conrad jump on top of him and start fighting. I soon called Jeremiah and he came over.

Just as Jere was about to pull him of the guy the cops pulled up and the lights were hurting my head. Me Conrad and Jere started running to the car but then belly was outside kissing a dude.

We got into the car, despite the fact that Belly just now had her first kiss. Conrad had his head on my lap, while I brushed through his hair. "Oh my god! Connie?"

I said that loudly, making Conrad's head bounce up from my lap, getting scared shitless.

"Yeah, Nina?" Conrad said with wide eyes like he saw something that he shouldn't have, but he was just drunk and well high at the same time.

"Do you think the chicken or the egg came first?" I ask him while playing with his hair. Belly sat in the passenger seat, listening on to our drunken conversation.

"Definitely the chicken." Conrad nodded, still with his head in my lap and looking around like he didn't know that we were in Jere's car.

"No! Wrong answer." I yelled once again making Jeremiah stop the car and start swearing that he forgot someone. "The egg came first." I said while letting my hands fall down from his hair and stopping to play with it.

"No." Conrad said sternly while putting my hand on his head again so that I can play with his hair but I just started laughing while I played with his hair.

"Bells, you know I love you very much now right?" I screamed at the top of my lungs while she flinched and turned to us.

"Stop flirting and try and be normal for once." She told us as an warning. Right when I was about to protest someone knocked on the window.

"Have you kids been drinking?" a female cop asks us and I just start laughing hysterically at the woman's question making Conrad put his hand on my mouth to stop me but I just ended up biting his hand making him wince.

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