Chapter: 32 "Magical night."

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No no I can't be, I mean Conrad surely doesn't feel like this too. He probably thinks that this is a few months old relationship and thinks that there is nothing serious between us.

Oh no.

I decided to push the thought away and focus on the debutante ball, it was the first priority right now. I took a hold of Conrads arm and squeezed it.

"I'm happy." I say while I smile towards our mothers. Conrad looked down at me and also squeezed my hand.

"The feelings mutual." He said as I chuckled at his comment. Since when was he talking in smart-language.

Someone pulled me away from my thoughts as I heard Belly's name be called from Paige. Both me and Conrad turned around to see Jayden and Belly walking hand in hand down the stairs.

"I feel bad for Jere." I whisper towards Conrad. He nodded his head in agreement as everyone in our family stared at the two. "Shit I forgot to give the bouquet to mom." I say as I turn around towards the table.

I walked fast towards the table which was really close. "Hi darling." Mom said as she took my bouquet with a smile. Dad was also here today which I was grateful for but I don't really know if he was here for Jayden or for me but it was fine either way, I was happy that he was attending at least.

I started walking back towards Conrad with a smile plastered across my face. This might be the best night of the summer yet.

I took my hand in Conrad's when I came back as he kissed me which made me smile even more. This night is starting great.

Belly and Jayden also arrived beside me and Conrad which made Laurel almost run out. I furrowed my eyebrows as Belly looked quite sad and I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

Everyone started clapping after what Paige said which made all of us bow. Jeremiah stood up from his seat and excused him self as Susannah asked him to go and tell Laurel and Chris to come to the table.

All four of us, which included Conrad, Belly, me and Jayden, sat down at the table. It was quite hard to sit down in my dress because it was big but I got there after a few seconds.

Another few seconds passed and the guys had to go up for their dance of the night when it was only them. I kissed Conrad one last time before they had to go up the stairs again and I had a feeling that this was going to be something that I could make fun of Steven for the rest of the year.


Like I said the dance was more cringe then when I pissed my pants in first grade at the Christmas party. I was actually thinking of breaking up with Conrad because I just couldn't stand the fact that when ever I would look at his face I would see him, Jayden and Steven do the dance that will make me have nightmares. Just kidding.

When the dance was over both me and Shayla stepped forward and walked towards our own people, Shayla to Steven and me to Conrad.

"I have no comment about the dance but I sure didn't mind having to see you at the dance floor." I say sarcastically towards him which made him pull me into a kiss. He held my waist as I held his face and we both smiled into the kiss.

Maybe falling in love with someone isn't that bad after all.

"I have a feeling you are not going to let the dance thing go anytime soon." Conrad said as we pulled apart. I shook my head with a smile at his comment.

"Nope, I actually recorded it and I will make sure to remind you everyday about this exact moment." I say as I took his hand in mine and walked towards the table.


It was time to walk towards the center of the room to start the main dance of the night and I think the nervousness just went away at some point because it wasn't here anymore, it was just comfort left in my body.

"Are you ready?" Conrad asked as he took my hand in his. We still had a few seconds before the dance started and Jeremiah was nowhere to be seen. I at least thought that he would be present for the main dance but I really didn't mind that much.

Maybe he had something come up or the feeling of seeing Belly and Jayden dance that way effected him in some sort of way.

"No, Im not ready." I say with sarcasm sticking to me like a magnet. "Maybe I'll have to bail on you and you will have to dance with Paige for the rest of the night." I say as I widen my eyes sarcastically his way.

"Now she would enjoy that, wouldn't she." He said back towards me with the same energy that I gave him.

"Yes she would, a lot actually." I say as he kissed me one last time before we had to start the dance and I felt so, safe.

It was like I was in my own world and everything was the way it was supposed to be, except for Susannah's situation but today was a happy day, no sad thoughts.

This night was really a magical night.


I've missed you guys so much like I haven't been writing in so long we'll because I was so lazy and also WE WERE LIKE WITH OUR SCHOOL AT A CAMPING THING AND THEY TOOK OUR PHONES. 😭😭

I was so mad because like I need my phone to survive but we had like 30 minutes break but I couldn't like write another chapter in 30 minutes because well that would be too hard and once again I was lazy. 😔

Also guys I think the next chapter is it. There will be no updates anymore after the next one or two chapters or well until season 2 comes out but also I will always be active and try to respond to questions as fast as possible so even when im not writing you guys can still ask questions about the story. ❤️

I just wanted to thank you all for clicking on this sorry and even reading it to the end which means more then you could ever imagine. I would sell my left kidney to get to talk with all 70K+ of all of you and im so happy to be getting this experience because not all of us get to have that. ❤️


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