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dustin: hey bitches

mike: dustin again its 1am

will: now what do you want

dustin: who do you guys ship??

max: BYLER (i'm a byler shipper too)

dustin: really mike and will

mike: what

will: what


will: well.... i mean i do ship byler


dustin: hello im dustin henderson from nbc 10 news

dustin: i'm here with mike wheeler, he is going to tell us if he ships byler or mileven mike?

mike: im still on the fence.

will: *gay gasp*

max: *bi gasp*

el: *bi gasp*

lucas: i ship mucas

max: me too but lucas we are having a war.

lucas: why

will: to see which ship is better

max: ✨BYLER✨ or

max: mileven

lucas: i don't wanna be in the middle of this im out.

lucas left the conversation

max: c o w a r d

will: anyways we are still in a war rEmemBEr

max: oh right

mike: damnit i thought i could escape

max: nOoO miKey yOu cAN nEveR eScaPe

el: you can't call mikey i only can

mike: really max

max: what the hell

will: dang it-

mike: i say ship whoever you want

dustin: well the bylers

max: bull

max: shit

will: what max said !!

dustin: mileven

el: fuck off

dustin: holy shit this got out of hand

mike: see look what you did dustin

dustin: i see mike

mike: rEaLLy i tHouGhT yOu diDn'T

dustin: a n y w a y s

dustin: lets talk about..

dustin: uh

dustin: flOwErs

mike: ...

max: ...

will: ...

el: ...

dustin: ... yeah i got nothing

dustin: im leaving bye bitches

dustin left the conversation

mike: yeah im leaving too

mike left the conversation

max: damnit mike why did you leave

will: whyyy

el: boyfriend whyyy

max: byler is better

will: it is

el: mileven is


el: mIKe?

will: wHAT yoU aRE dOinG heRe

max: seriously why are you here

mike: i have something to say

mike: you can ship whoever with whoever really

mike: it's not the big of the deal

max: but-

mike: MaX shUT uP

mike: anyways after today, there is consequences to your actions

mike: so byler and mileven are good either way




mike, max, el, and will left the conversation

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