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dustin: its 11:49

max: yeah almost tomorrow what about it

dustin: lets celebrate like its new years

lucas: whats so important about tomorrow

dustin: idk

lucas: okay..

will: so now what

dustin: wait until 11:55

mike: why

dustin: because its 11:50 and it will be in 5 minutes to 11:55 and 5 minutes to 12:00

mike: ......

mike: what

dustin: it make sense trust me

lucas: does it tho

dustin: it does

el: why is dustin talking about 12:00 whats happening at 12:00

max: tomorrow

el: what

max: when it hits 12:00, its now tomorrow

el: oHHHhHHhhh ok

mike: so basically its now 11:51 we have 4 minutes til 11:55

dustin: thank you michael for telling the time

mike: your... welcome?

dustin: anyways

dustin: wait

lucas: is suzie calling you

dustin: yup

dustin: bye suckers

dustin left the conversation 

mike: oH no dUstiN leFT

max: wHAt shOUld wE dO noW

lucas: bIG ooPs

will: you guys are insane 

mike: come on swee-

max: WHoA

lucas: SuS

el: mIKeY wHy

mike: it was a joke i sWEar

max: sure

will: *dies of blushing*

max: mike look what you did

mike: it wasn't my fault

el: guys!

lucas: yeah

el: its 11:59

max and mike left the conversation 

will: really

el: 3

el: 2

el: 1!

lucas: hAppY

will: nEw

el: yEaR

el, will, and lucas left the conversation 

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