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dustin: so

max: no dustin it's 4am be quiet

mike: great now you woke me up

will: me too

dustin: geez i just wanna play t or d

max: oh that's fine

mike: but like at 4am

max: mike come on live up

mike: ugh fine

will: sure! but what about el and lucas?

lucas: what about us

el: what is t or d

mike: it's a game, short for truth or dare. a person asks you "truth or dare" and you can pick truth or dare. if you pick truth, the person ask you question and you need be honest with your answer.

max: and if you pick dare, the person dares you to do and you have to do it.

el: oHHhhhhh kk

dustin: ill start cuz why not

dustin: will truth or dare

will: truth ig

dustin: do you like anyone

will: wHat yOu aRe crAzY dUstIn

max: will you have to say the truth

will: i do actually

dustin: i bet it's mike

will: wHat nO

max: yEs

mike: a n y w a y s we will not be talking about this

will: max truth or dare

max: dare cuz me

will: can we do it in dms

max: why

will: just do it


max: so whats the dare

will: i dare you to say lucas "im breaking up with you"

max: why

will: because its a dare

max: fine


max: lucas

lucas: yeah

max: we are breaking up

lucas: wHaT wHy

max: jk will dare me too

lucas: i swear to god i will fucking kill you will

will: holy heck

mike: that was my thing

will: so suck my gay di-

dustin: ANYWAYS

el: what's gay

will: your boyfriend

max: your boyfriend

lucas: your boyfriend

dustin: your boyfriend

mike: ...... what

el: mIkE hOw dArE yOu

mike: im not

(mike mind's: i totally am)

max: gay means boys liking boys while lesbians are similar but girls liking girls

el: oh-

dustin: a n y w a y s

lucas: i gtg my mom's going to kill me if im texting you crazy people at 4am

will: me too plus im tired

el: im also tired

lucas, will, and el left the conversation

mike: meh im leaving bye bitches

max: yup bye

dustin: see ya-

mike, max, and dustin left the conversation 

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