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max: hey guys

dustin: no

max: what

dustin: im supposed start the conversation

max: well suck it up

max: so anyways

mike: dustin is it really a big deal

dustin: iT Is mIChaEl

mike: hOw iS iT tHO

dustin: im dustin henderson im the funny one so i have to start the conversation

mike: okay sO

will: anyways

el: why does dustin need to start the conversation

max: cuz dustin is crazy

dustin: no i ain't el is crazy

max: dustin

dustin: what she is crazy

el: thank you

mike: that isn't- you know what nvm

will: anyways.. you know what

mike: what

will: we haven't told everyone our deep, dark secrets

max: why should we do that

will: because its fun

mike: will you son of a bitch

will: :)

max: fine I'll start

max: i'm in love with someone else

lucas: wHat

mike: who

max: can't tell youuu

lucas: you never told me this max

max: well i didn't think it was a big of a deal

lucas: well it is

will, el, mike, and dustin left the conversation

max: those sons of bitches

lucas: max whyy

max: relax i was kidding

lucas: good

max: maybe

lucas: what

max: still kidding

max and lucas left the conversation

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