Twenty - one

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After getting this u know text messages I was scared to stay home by myself while Danny went out, I made sure everything is locked and all curtains are closed.
I've gotten some messages the past few days since I first began getting them.
I still haven't told Danny about it, I even changed my number but I somehow continue to get the messages.

iMessage: Danny
I'll be home soon

Home. This is Danny's home now, or it has been. He has little less then half my closet with his cloths and even some dresser drawers for him.
He still won't let me get a job and has been paying things for me which I absolutely hate, I don't like not being able to pay for my own things.

iMessage: Unknown
You look really hot in lace, you should wear it more often ;)

iMessage: Unknown
And that's my favorite thong on you, Danny is one lucky guy eh

I quickly covered my body with my towel looking around my room, the curtains and blinds are closed tight.

"Drea?" The door opened "oh hi" Danny smiled "I was about to ask you why everything is so dark and I might know why"

He came closer to me and kissed me, I mean how can I resist all that, soon making me forget all about everything.


After my 2nd shower of the day, I went to make dinner for Danny and I, while he took a shower.

I looked in the fridge not knowing what to make, or I'll just let Danny cook dinner.
I say on the couch and turned on dance moms.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Danny said walking pasting going to the kitchen.

"Yeah please, lemonade"
He nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

Where is this boy? I asked myself getting up and walking into the kitchen.
There here held my phone with his eyebrows scrunched together.
He looked up, "what the hell is this? Who the fuck is this unknown person?"

Fuck fuck fuck

"Danny" I sighed

"Why is this person saying they liked your lace? Are you sending them pictures of yourself? Are you cheating on me!?"

"No! Of corse not! I wouldn't do that Danny! And maybe if you kept reading you would understand!"

He looked back down scrolling through the messages.
"Who is this?"

"I don't know" I said quietly. "but they someone can see me, they're probably watching us right now. Danny you're not even suppose to know! That's why I have everything shut tight and Why I've been on edge."

He slammed my phone down on the counter.
"What the fuck! Andrea, why didn't you tell me when you got the first message?"
I shrugged.
"Just, stay here I'm going to look through the whole apartment and try to find anything"
I nodded and sat on the couch with Elias.

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