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My eyes slowly opened to the brightens of my bedroom. i didn't close my curtains, nor did I change out of last nights cloths. I got up and looked around for Elias, who was on his little cat bed.
I got and walked to my bathroom I decided to take a shower.
Letting the water warm up I sat on the toilet (with the seat down), starring at the wall remembering everything that happened last night with Danny.
I undressed myself stepping into the hot shower relaxing myself.

After my shower I changed into jeans and a 'baseball' tee and braided my hair. I had to be at work at 10 today, I looked over at my wall clock, 7:17 am.

I don't know if Danny left or not last night but I really hope he did, I didn't want to see him.
I slowly unlocked and opened my door. I walked out I to the living room to see nothing, I let out a small sigh of relief.

'Sorry I'm such a dick, I got you a bagel from Panera, you know that one cinnamon one you like with cream cheese and lemonade, it's all in the bag. I know this won't make you feel any better, I'll see you later, I'm coming over once your done at work.'

I opened the bag reaching in for my all time favorite bagel.
I didn't think he would even remember my favorite kind of bagel, it brought a smile to my face. I sat on my couch turning my tv and reaching for my phone
- 2 missed calls 'Lewi'
-5 new iMessage
'Hey is everything okay?'
'I feel horrible I let that guy take you omg'
'Are you even alive'
'Please text me back'

' hey Lewi, sorry about last night, I am alive and I had a great time last night, thank you. and yeah sorry about that guy, it's a long story but I'm fine, I'll talk to you soon!'

I put my phone down and turned the tv on to dance moms, I don't feel like running airens today, so I'll just stay in until I need to go to work.

It was finally time to leave for work, I love my job and the place I work, I actually look forward to it everyday.
The weather outside was nice and warm, but the clouds were grey.

"Hey Andrea I need to talk to you" the owner,Tanner said as soon as I walked in the shop.
"Umm yeah?"
"So this place is closing down, sadly, I've been losing so much money and we don't have enough business to pay for the bills, I've already talked to everybody and today is the last day before its being closed for good." he broke the news to me.
"Oh" is all i could manage to say. "I'm sorry"
"It's okay, but I'm just going to close up now, there is no point of you working the day nobody is coming in, sorry I made you come all the way here I wanted to tell you in person and feel free to take your favorite books home." he smiled at me and left to the back room.
I chose a couple of the books I've been wanting to read and took 2 of my favorite ones, and left.

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