Chapter Two

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*Four's POV*

When I arrive at the reaping in the Dauntless square, I immediately look for my girlfriend Tris. Even though I'm eighteen and she's sixteen (they separate the kids by age), I want to be with her during this time.

My dark blue eyes find hers and when I join her, we lock hands almost instantly. "You know you have to join your group," she says.

"I know. I just wanted to see you before the reaping started."

Valorie Wellington, the representative from our district, appears on the stage, ending my time with Tris. I leave her with Christina and the other sixteen-year-olds, and join the eighteen-year-olds.

There are two glass balls, one with the names of the boys and one with the names of the girls, on two separate podiums. "Welcome, welcome, to the 74th annual Hunger Games reaping!" Valorie chirps in her high-pitched (and highly annoying) voice. "Let's take a look at this video from the Capitol."

It is the same video presented every year. It shows recaps from the first ever Hunger Games, and "encourages" us to participate. The Capitol makes winning look so valuable and amazing, but it's not. What's so great about killing people and living with the guilt?

When the video is over, Valorie starts talking again. "How exciting! Let's give a big round of applause to the Capitol for presenting us with this inspiring message." No one claps but her. "Well," she says awkwardly. "As always, ladies first." She walks to the glass ball with the girls' names in it and digs around dramatically. Finally, she pulls her hand out with a single slip of paper.

After clearing her throat, she announces: "Beatrice Prior!"

My mouth literally drops open and my eyes fill with tears as I watch Tris hug Christina and make her way to the stage. "No, this can't be happening," I mutter to myself.

"Now for the boys," Valorie continues. She moves to the other side of the stage and digs around in the glass ball for a few dramatic seconds. The person she calls up is a good friend of mine, Uriah.

A million thoughts are running through my head. I can't let Uriah die. And I have to protect Tris. Before I can change my mind, I yell out, "I volunteer as tribute!"

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