Mello on Tinder [BONUS]

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NOTE: You found your "enemy" on tinder. You decide to make fun of him.


I was bored swiping trough profiles on Tinder. Nobody was interesting nor good looking. What a bore. Okay,, one more swipe before I close this application. I swipe and my eyes did not believe whose profile I was gaping at. It was none other than that of Mello. What the hell?

 What the hell?

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Interesting, I never knew he was looking for someone. I thought to myself. Then a grin on my face appeared as I decided to tease him by messaging him the worst pickup line I could think of. Good thing I have tinder platinum.

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I rolled my eyes and threw my phone on the table

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I rolled my eyes and threw my phone on the table. 'Like that's ever gonna happen.'

mello x male ! reader -  [REQUESTS OPEN] - BOOK Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu