Fairytale of New York

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December 25th 1987

AN: Warning sexy self love section pretty near the start separated by x's for those that don't wanna read.

Peggy stared at the livingroom setee and a mixture of emotions filled her all at once. Her son had come home for Christmas. Her heart filled with joy. She looked at the gentle way he held the girl in his arms, the girl she loved with her whole heart, who she loved like a daughter, who she was so grateful for. They looked so peaceful she didn't want to disturb them. They were like two puzzle pieces. She'd never have put them together but they looked good together. She felt silly for not seeing it. Beatrice brought him out his shell a little and gave him some stability. He brought peace to her and quietened her busy mind. But their path ahead wouldn't be easy. She sighed. Noel was slow to trust and easily scared off by love and feelings. Then there was Liam. Oh dear. She'd let them sleep a little longer.

She quietly clicked the kettle on. All her family back under one roof. She smiled as she sipped her tea enjoying the silence of dawn before the fighting started.

Noel stirred first. He inhaled green apples and revelled in the soft warmth pressing against him. Perhaps a bit too much. He quickly jolted awake remembering where he was and whose backside he was currently trying to nuzzle his morning glory into. Fucking hell. He gently and quickly unravelled himself from Trix making sure he didn't wake her. He stood, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and counted to 10 thinking of the most revolting things he could to try to calm himself down. You need to fucking sort yourself out son. It's just natural. It felt nice that's all it's not cause you want to sleep with her.

It was no good he could still smell her and feel her on him. No, no, no. Go away, please go away don't make me do it. Noel opened his eyes and watched her sleeping peacefully. Cheeks flushed, full lips parted slightly, hair tousled. She moved into the space he'd been in and cuddled into the blanket she was now substituting for him and made a soft sound of contentment. Her movements had caused her top to ride down exposing a little more of her chest than was normally visible. He could see the lacy cup of her bra. Noel screwed his eyes shut and felt the blood pump through his body. Fuck, fuck, fuck. What is wrong with you?

He made his way up to the bathroom quickly and sat on the closed, cold lid of the toilet with his head in his hands. Stop it, stop it, stop it. Don't. If you do this there's no going back mate. No way back from here. Go away, go away, go away. 

He felt sick to his stomach as the pleasurable tingles only intensified as he imagined the lace of her bra. Letting his fingers graze over the material feeling her nipples pebble beneath the lace. No, no, no. This was not happening. He hurriedly took his clothes off and stood under the shower as the cold water almost felt like it was ripping his skin apart. He felt shame roll over him in waves as the cold did nothing to deter the pleasurable images running through his mind. Every single one was of her.


His hands skimming over her skin. He knew how soft it felt now. He gave a sigh of relief as he finally gave in to what his body needed as he touched himself. He gasped as he imagined the highly erotic image of his fingers gliding down past her navel, slipping beneath her underwear and down into the delicious warmth between her legs. He wondered what she'd sound like if he did his job right. He shivered as he remembered the little sound she'd made on the setee. He imagined how soft a kiss would feel from her petal pink lips. How would her lips feel on his skin. His hand moved faster over himself as he imagined those lips stretching over his cock, watching her flushed cheeks hollow. He felt the pleasured waves roll over him over-taking the shame he felt at how wrong it was to think of her this way. How would she taste? Feel around him? He imagined her writhing beneath him overcome with pleasure as he slipped inside her heat.  She was saying his name gently in his ear in a way he'd never heard her say it in real life. Breathless with want and pleasure. He'd give anything to hear her say his name like that. He came unexpectedly hard and fast spilling over his own hand like he hadn't done since he was a young teenager. He opened his eyes blinking in disbelief at what he'd just done. His breaths were shallow and harsh. Once the afterglow began to ebb away shame sank like a stone in his stomach as he watched the last remnants of his cum swirl down the plughole. He would never think of her like that again. He wouldn't allow it. She deserved better. Far better.

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