The Weakness In Me

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AN: Sexy shenanigans ahead separated by x's for those who don't wanna read.

Like a gentleman he'd taken her all the way home when it got too late to kiss on a random person's doorstep. They kissed all the way from Piccadilly to Burnage on the train barely breaking for air. He'd taken her to her door hand in hand neither wanting the night to end. The front door light had been left on by her dad as she'd told him she'd be home late. Noel would stay at his mam's for tonight.

"I want to kiss you goodnight." He said softly with a particularly crinkly smile.

Trix bit her lip nervously.

"What if someone sees? Not like we can hide in the darkness with this big spotlight on."

Noel rolled his eyes.

"Who cares? Only people we need to care about seeing are all in bed. It's 1am on a Thursday night. Your dad, Our Liam and me mam will have gone to bed ages ago."

Trix felt her heart race as she glanced at his lips eagerly. Now they'd started they couldn't stop.

"Alright. Go on then. Just a little one."

Noel smiled and kissed her eagerly. Trix's hand clenched in his hair and Noel's hands squeezed her waist before boldly slipping down to her bum and squeezing lightly. He pressed his body firmly against hers. Trix's back was forced against the doorframe. She gasped as she felt how hard he was through his jeans at the top of her thigh. It made her feel hot all over and intimidated her a little too. He wasn't shy or ashamed about letting his body react naturally to hers now which she was grateful for.

"Night. Please come visit me this week I won't hide promise." He said as he softly grazed kisses along her jawline that made her eyes flutter shut.

"Night. I will." She said breathlessly.

Noel began to walk away to his door with a wide grin on his face. He couldn't help it. They looked over their shoulder longingly at the other until they had to break eye contact and go in their respective houses.

Trix jumped and writhed on her bed screaming into her pillow quietly. She'd kissed Noel Gallagher 34 times. She'd counted each one.

Butterflies fluttered wildly in her stomach. Wednesday couldn't come fast enough.

Noel pressed himself against his door exhaling deeply. A wide, satisfied smile on his chapped lips.

He opened his eyes and froze on the spot as Peggy stood there sipping tea with raised brows.

Peggy put her finger to her lips and motioned him into the kitchen so as not to wake Liam.

"I'm only going to have this talk with you once and once only. Now I've never had it with you before but that's cause you're the sensible one not like Liam. Never gave you the "talk" when you had other girlfriends even the ones you never told me about because they weren't Beatrice. This is different."

"Mam-no please-"

"1) Don't be kissing her like that on her doorstep ever again unless you're wanting Dave Kerr to knock you into next week. And I'd let him. Indecent is what it was-"


"Not a peep out of ye till I'm done. 2) If this is something you're both serious about you need to both tell Liam. 3) Do not get that girl into trouble-"

And at that moment Noel Gallagher wanted to die.


"I mean it. Now's no time to be embarrassed. Beatrice is going to Uni and making something of herself she's not shacking up with you and a baby. So...if you can't help yourselves, which judging by what I've just been to witness to you can't, then you've got to use precautions. I know Lord help me I shouldn't be saying that as a good catholic woman but here we are. I'm telling you now be careful it's a genetic thing in my family and in your father's. Very fertile. I mean literally all your father had to do was look look me and I was pregnant-"

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