Chapter Three

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((Third Pov

Hawks tapped his fingers on the top of the bar, careful not to rip his gloves when dabi sat down. Dabi had gotten the courage to go over to hawks and he finally got his towel so when he sat down he was drying his hair and looking forward trying not to look at hawks.

Hawks thankfully saw him first or this night would have gone nowhere. Hawks looks at him and blinks "Oh you must be the representative of the league. I've seen you in the police reports before your uh....dabi right?" He asks quickly, trying to think about what his name is. Dabi nods "yes that's my name and yes I am the representative of the league " he says still not looking at him "dabis a alias right?" The other asks carefully "why can't it be my name" he says with a scowl "is it?" The blonde retaliates with a small smirk feeling kinda comfortable with the other. Dabi sighs "no its not dabis an alias" he says finally looking at him "it sounds like dobby the house elf" hawks laughs. Dabi blinks knowing that Harry Potter was one of hawks favorite things as a kid "you know from Harry Potter" he says thinking that dabi didn't know what he was talking about "oh I knew that just can't think very well on a empty stomach" dabi says stretching the truth a bit "Oh yeah I'm really hungry too but I was too busy waiting for you I forgot to order something" hawks says rubbing the back of his neck making his gloves visible. Dabi nodded a bit but felt confused seeing the gloves "um how about we get a booth then?" He offers "sure!" He says a bit too happy "uh...i mean that sounds like a plan" his voice dropping a bit going netural to sound more emotionless. Dabi stood up feeling worried he knew what hawks was doing was all teaching of the hero commission but thats what worried him he thought hawks would have grown out of it and become his own person. Hawks got up to not noticing the worriedness on the others face he headed to a booth making sure dabi was following him.

When they sat down, hawks went to get a menu from the waitress. Dabi was left to his own thoughts which was mostly plans of killing the hero commission leaders one by one and coming clean to hawks of who he was and maybe if he told him who he was he could figure out if this was a trap. Hawks came back with two menus, when he sat down he handed the menu to dabi "I didn't know what type of menu you wanted so I got the normal one with the alcohol menu with it" he says softly looking at him. Dabi smiles a little bit taking the menu "Thanks hawks" he says "you can call me Takami sense we're gonna be working together" he says simply dabi smiles a bit at that "Well if we're gonna be working together I wanna ask. Is this a trap Takami?" Hawks froze a bit at the question "what...if it is in a sense " he whispers "Well I would ask in what sense then" he responds with a blank expression "I don't know if you would like the answer" he whispers "I might not but I might" he says softly "what if you get mad" he whispers again not wanting to get hurt even though deep down he had a safe comfort with the other and believed the man sitting across from him wouldn't hurt him "I won't you just gotta trust me" the other says just as quietly "how can I trust you if I don't even know your real name" he argued "that's fair...maybe you don't have to trust me but trust your gut" he says as he opens the menu. Hawks watched the scarred man across from him who was looking at what the other thought was probably the drink menu as he thought of what to say

The waitress soon came over. "Sorry about taking so long, we've been busy. Are you guys ready to order some drinks?" She asks looking between the two "can you get me a strawberry mimosa?" Dabi asks, putting his menu down. The waitress nodded, writing that down " and for you?" She asks looking at hawks "um....I'll take the same thing he's having I guess" hawks says unsure "okay got it i'll be out with those in a bit" the waitress said before skipping away. Dabi was looking at hawks worried which made hawks kinda shrink in on himself since he was already feeling small around dabi and him looking concerned didn't help. Dabi sighs and looks away when he shrinks in on himself and wants to do something that makes him feel a little bit comfortable with him. But what could he do or say to make him feel comfortable with him? Wait a minute he knew exactly what would help him feel comfortable. Dabi was stuck in his head when the waitress came back with the drinks. Hawks takes his drink and looks at dabi "Hey dabi the waitress is here do you know what you want to order?" He asks the other "Oh uh I haven't looked, can you give us a bit?" Dabi asks the waitress. The waitress nodded and left again. Dabi opens the menu and whispers "uh you don't have to call me dabi" hawks looks confused "I don't know anything else but that." "Well if we're gonna work together it might be easier to know our real names. And i already know yours" he says softly "I would like to know your real name but if your not comfortable telling me it's okay" he says quickly "im real name is touya, touya todoroki"

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