Chapter Four

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Keigo choked on his drink "really?!" He whisper yells. "Yeah….hi again after about what ten years now?" He says calmly "yes ten years…ten years I thought you were dead….ten years I thought the love of my life was dead" he whispers trying to stay calm but his voice was cracking and he felt like he was gonna slip any moment. "I was the love of your life?" The black haired man whispers back "of course you fucking were touya" He says shaking "I guess I was too dense to realize….are you okay your shaking like really bad?" He asks looking worried "I'm fine" he snaps trying not to slip

"You're lying, what's wrong?" Dabi asks softly his caregiver instincts kicking in a bit "I'm not lying " hawks says "you tap your hands and bite your cheek when you lie" he says pointing out the two viable things kiego was doing. He notices and hides his hands "so I'll ask again what's wrong?" He felt himself almost fully slip at dabis concern, making him tear up. Dabi blinks "kiego why are you crying?" He asks softly wanting to comfort the blonde not sure if it was the fact he still loved him or his caregiver instincts. Keigo opens his mouth to tell him when the waitress came back with more drinks for them "you guys ready?" She asks. Dabi looks at hawks who nod and says "yes…." He says softly opening the menu and points at the item he wants. The waitress nods and writes it down and you sir?" She asks dabi "uh I'll have a burger with fries" he says softly the waitress nods "okay guys I'll be back soon" she says before disappearing. Hawks stays quiet trying to get himself back to being fully big again but I was making him cry more because he needed to stay small. He hadn't been small for months and he didn't wanna be big but he didn't wanna tell dabi he was a little. Dabi was not happy seeing keigo cry but he was wanting him to talk to him but he didn't think it was gonna happen so be sat in quiet watching the blonde sipping on his drink.

Not very long after the waitress came back with the food. Hawks looks at the chicken sandwich he ordered with fries as he takes a drink of what was left of his strawberry mimosa. The waitress set down dabis food and offered to get them refills which both men agreed to. The waitress disappeared as dabi took a bite of his burger. Hawks wasn't sure what to eat first so was just staring at his food as he picked at the fries. Dabi looks at him as he puts down his burger "Hey Keigo can we talk in private?" He asks softly keigo looks confused "aren't…we in private?" he asks carefully trying to keep his voice steady "it isn't but people around here could care less about the villain activity" dabi says simply. "Then…okay" he whispers standing up."

Dabi took keigo outside of the bar underneath a cover because it was still pouring. Keigo shivered as he walked outside holding his jacket close. He looks at dabi "what…did you need to talk about touya?" He asks, his voice a bit shaky from the cold and trying not to slip more.  It felt a bit weird to be called touya again but dabi took a deep breath and looked at the blonde "are you a little?" He asks carefully. Keigo went pale 'shit was I that obvious wait maybe this is a good thing' he thinks before nodding "are you small?" The taller one asks which the blonde squeaks out "kinda.." "What do you mean kinda?" The other asks "well…I haven't slipped in so long I'm not sure if I can fully slip and I was so scared" the blonde whispers starting to cry "you haven't slipped?" He asks surprised. Kiego shakes his head "no….I haven't been allowed to sense I got my classification" he whispers. Dabi looks pissed of for a second but takes a deep breath before saying "after we eat I'm taking you back to the base and I'll help you slip I don't give a damn what the commission says it's not healthy to not slip so I'm going to help" kiego felt like he was gonna cry as he hugs him "okay…" he whispers. Dabi was a bit surprised but hugged back. After a bit the blonde pulled back "Sorry about that touya" He whispers wiping his eyes "it's fine kiego I don't mind" dabi whispers back "but we should head back inside so we can finish eating " hawks nods softly "okay….um can I hold your hand?" He asks quietly. Dabi smiles and nods "yes you can" he says softly taking his hand as he walks back inside. Keigo felt happy as he follows him.

Dabi sits back down with keigo as the waitress came back "here you go is everything okay?" She asks soflty. The two nod "yes it is maam" Dabi says taking the drink. Keigo softy took his. The waitress nods and leaves. Kiego felt more comfortable and held Dabis hand soflty eating his sandwich and drinking between bites. Dabi was happy he felt more comfortable so softly held his hand.

Hey apologies for not posting this sooner work and school has been kicking my ass hopefully someone is still reading - castiel

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