chapter 21

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Waking up in the middle of night wasn't a part of her plan, actually it's never planned , she felt his familiar arms wrapped around her waist and his face hidden in her neck , she could hear his soft snores , she groaned a little feeling the sourness between her legs , mikasa tried to ignore this by trying to remember why she woke up , actually she doesn't even know . Looking at the grey wall , she tried to go back to her deep slumber , minutes past but she's still awake looking at the wall, she just wish to sleep , she's tired of , then a gentle kiss was planted on her shoulder and the familiar green eyes were looking at her grey ones

- can't sleep ? He asked , his voice rasp from waking up , she shivered feeling his hit breath on her shoulder

-well kind of , I don't know . Sighing she rubbed her eyes and then looked at the ceiling , eren turned to his side and looked at her , tugging some hair behind her ear he kissed her cheek

- do you want me to prepare some hot tea so you can sleep ?

- not really , I'll end up asleep later , but thanks for the offer
- anytime........sooooo what do you wanna talk about ?
- I don't know...... Anything . She smiled softly while he's caressing her cheek

-................what's your opinion on cannibalism?

- dude when I said anything , I wasn't talking about this . Mikasa expressed while giggling , he looked at her , amazed by her beauty , the way her eyes are shining while the moonlight is hitting her porcelain skin, he kissed her lips lovingly , she returned the kiss and smiled softly, she's lucky to have him , they broke the kiss and looked at eachother's eyes

- thank you for being here with me . She said

- you don't need to thank me love . Her eyelids were closing and she wished him a goodnight

- you're already going to sleep and here I am awake . He smiled

- lemme sleep , it's the first time In 9 years I'm gonna sleep more than 3 hours . His smile faded as he heard her say this , she opened her eyes , and cursing herself for revealing this in such moment

- what do you mean ?
- I- ......Um ...... I.......
- hey , Miki look at me , it's me , eren, don't be afraid. She sighed , she can do this , she can tell him

-I have insomnia , well I had it a long time ago and it gotten worst each night ....... I used to take sleeping pills but they never helped me . Her voice was faint as a whisper

- what about when we were in my cabin ?
- I didn't sleep that much, I used to pretend to be asleep . He's choked , placing his arms on her waist ,he kissed the top of her head, and whispering nothing but sweet words , he got this feeling that it will help her sleep , he lowered his head toward her , she's still awake , since the both of them are awake he decided to as her

- Miki
-yeah ?
- what's those Heald scars on your arms and thighs ? Mikasa froze in her place

- nothing ...... He felt her heartbeat increase, she's afraid , he noted , suddenly eren felt his chest getting wetter each second

- hey , look at me , baby please don't cry

-i'm sorry .... I'm so sorry . She kept apologizing

- don't apologize Miki , it's okay . He can't accept the fact that she did this to herself, he feels useless , he wasn't there for her in her darkest nights , but he's willing to stay with her

- please stop crying , I hate seeing you broken ...... Look I have it too . He showed her his arm , where 3 deep Heald scars kissed his arm and wrists

- your not alone mikasa , and you'll never be . He kissed her cheeks , eyes , the scar on her face , and the scars on her Arms showing her support, she kissed his scars and hugged him , feeling her warmth , he decided to close his eyes and whispered sweet words in her ear , she kissed his shoulder and cheek , before whispering " I love you " multiple times , his strong arms , his beautiful eyes , soothing voice and his loving kisses to his whole existence made her feel safe , mikasa is not a religious person nor she believes in soulmates but she's thankful , thankful for meeting him , thankful for his existence, his soft voice against her ear , telling her how she's doing a great job just by staying alive , how's she's beautiful with those scars , how he loves her and won't leave her until his last breath , she will protect him even if it will cost her life , sleep finally got her , and her eyes slowly started closing before she drift to her deep slumber

As he felt her grip loosen up, he knew that she fell asleep he placed one last kiss on her head before closing his eyes , both of them have their regrets , their ups and downs , but they are glad that they found eachother in this cruel world , and hopefully they will stay together until their last breaths....

Okay I know this is a short chapter , but the other ones will be longer , I'm gonna explain everything (aka the flashback and all ).so yeah stay safe love y'all and peace ✌🏻

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