Part 29 (last chapter lol before the epilogue)

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Time passed by quickly, 2 years passed since they threw everything behind them , they couldn't be happier as they are now living their best lives , by those 2 years life smiled at their faces for the first time ,they physical appearance didn't change much except for the fact that he grew taller and her hair grew even longer ,everyday , Eren makes sure to show her how much she means to him how much he loves her and can sacrifice his life for her , he cannot imagine how his life will be without her , as he now watches her having fun in the town's festival and how she looks mesmerising and unreal , a smile plastered on her face and how she's dancing with the other females , he's more in love with her each day and , he is now sure that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her , looking at the box of ring in his pocket , he smiles softly , Eren hopes that 2 years of living together is enough and he wants to marry her and if she wants even start a family with her , as she approach him with a big smile on her face , he hid the box as he took her in his arms and spinned her around

-did you have fun? He asked

-yes I love it here! She said fixing her floral crown

-i am glad to hear that love . He smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist, he kissed her softly and she smiled , he did too he can't be happier than this

-oh wait a second . She takes out a bracelet and gives it to him

-thank you love . He said , she placed it on his wrist and she smiled , she rested her head on his chest and yawned announcing her tiredness , even if it's noon , he lately finds her getting tired on this time

- do you wanna go home ? He asked , she nodded slightly and they went to his car , on their way back home , he could stop thinking on how to propose to the love of his life , he wants to make it special for them and a day that she won't forget for the rest of her life

-what's on you mind ? She asked

- nothing . He glanced at her and he realized again on how much she looks unreal , like an angel whom is blessing his life , the way she looks at him with those loving glances , how her now extremely long silky hair , her midnight eyes looking at him with curiosity , he can't help but be hypnotized by her beauty 

- I can't help but to think how unreal you look and I can't help but fall in love with you everyday . He said , she blushed at his compliment like she does everyday and he can't help but laugh at her cuteness , every inch of his fiber is in love with her and screams her name , as they arrive to their modern cabin , je looks at it and remembers , she always wanted a peaceful life away from big population where she can plant her vegetables and flowers , she signals him to enter their home , as she sits on the couch he joins her , she automatically moves to his embrace , and he plays with her hair, she smiles softly and close her eyes, slowly drifting to sleep , he suspects that something is wrong and she doesn't want to tell him , her morning sickness and how she easily gets tired but he brushes it off , she'll tell him when she's ready as he wants to ensure her comfort


-no no no no no no , NO! Armin exclaims , as his now secret girlfriend Annie looks at him

-what's wrong? She asks

-someone is following them
-who? She asks

-eren and mikasa , someone is heading to their destination, but they're making stops as if to prolong their way to arrive to them . He looks at his computer's screen suspeciouly

-we need to get to them, now! She says , as they're now getting ready , fear is striking their features, they can feel that something bad is going to happen

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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