Soft Bro Techno

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"TECHNO" called Wilbur, kicking the door open.

The brunet boy jumped at the loud noise, nearly dropping the tube of dye he had in his hand. He looked over at his twin, who stood in the doorway with a bag & guitar on his shoulder.

"You're awake early" commented Techno, as he placed the pink dye down.

"Yeah, I need to come get my things from the bathroom before I leave," informed Wilbur, pushing past Techno to grab things from the counter.

"I thought you told dad you weren't leaving until you did all the morning chores?" questioned Techno, crossing his arms.

"I lied, I'm trying to get out town before morning" replied Wilbur,

"BRUH!" groaned Techno, glaring at his brother.

"Come Techno, you gotta cover for me" pleaded Wilbur, his ears slightly wiggling.

"What's in it for me, William?" retorted Techno, lifting a brow.

"I'll-" stuttered Wilbur, conjuring up a lie.

"I'm not doing" huffed Techno, as he picked the dye back up.

"Wait, please Techno! I'll get you a gift while I'm gone. Nik's sweet potato pies or Jack's fidgety inventions" begged Wilbur, clinging to his twin's arm.

Techno glanced down at his brother. The circular glasses made his amber eyes shiny and puppy-like. Techno groaned to himself, before turning back to the mirror.

"Emerald jewelry and two of Niki's golden apple pies, final deal?" stated Techno.

"Deal!!" cheered Wilbur, his ears fluttering happily.

Techno sighed as he watched Wilbur stuff his things into bags. His brother squeezed him into a hug before retreating out the door.

"Bye Techie, I'll be back next Saturday" waved Wilbur.

"Bye" called Techno, leaning in the hall as he watched his twin jump down the stairs.

He sighed and went back to fixing the dye in his hair. Wilbur was leaving to go on a trip with friends overseas for a week since Philza was also going to be gone on one of his expeditions. The bird man would be returning the same time his brother would but that left Technoblade in charge of everything until they got back. That included the inside chores and outside chores, both his and Wilbur's unfinished ones. Though he was annoyed by his twin's reckless behavior and free-nature attitude, he would still cover for him and hold down everything until he got back. Seemed easy enough if it was just that, but his twin also left another responsibility behind. Or should he say two.

"Techie?" chirped a small voice, peeking in from the door.

Techno leaned back from the mirror to look, seeing two sets of eyes staring up at him. A blue pair and heterochromic red-green pair. It was his younger brothers, Tomathy & Rambus, but they mostly responded to Tommy & Ranboo. They were two younger children adopted into the family almost a year ago. It was originally just Ranboo but Tommy ended up following him around so much that Philza brought him into the house too. They were both a handful for all three of them but he was stuck with the two of them for the next 168 hours. At the sight of the two younger boys at the door, awake from their sleep, Techno knew he wasn't gonna get his hair finished. He placed the tube down and started rinsing his hands.

"Good morning you two, you're up early" said Techno.

"Loud noises?" replied Ranboo, glancing down at the small boy he carried on his back.

"Ah, that was just Wilbur. He is leaving for his trip, remember?" stated Techno, as he reached over to drying his hands.

"Say goodbye to you?" asked Ranboo, fully walking in.

"Yeah, did he say goodbye to you guys?" asked Techno.

Ranboo nodded, holding up a cat plushie. It was one of Wilbur's old toys that he carried around when he was younger. He must have given it to the young boy before he left.

"That's nice, do you two want breakfast or are you going back to bed?" questioned Techno, crouching to sit on the floor.

Ranboo didn't respond, instead just walked over to him. Techno leaned back, confused. The duo colored hair boy set his blonde brother into his Techno's lap before climbing into himself. They curled into his arms silently, seemingly dozing back off. The older boy sighed and coddled the two, receiving the answer to his question. The two were very clingy, especially when they were sleepy. Wilbur would be their go to since he was always open arms for cuddles but since he was gone, he was their next victim. Not that he really mind, it was just they always wanted to cuddle in the most inconvenient moments. Such as now, sitting on the bathroom floor just a few hours before everyone should be awake.

Techno sighed and struggled to stand to his feet, carefully not to drop his brothers. Once steady, he turned the light off in the bathroom and tip-toed to his room. Hopefully the ruckus from earlier hadn't disturbed Philza since he knew the bird man had a long journey to make. Techno pushed open the door to his room, which was dimly lit by the candle on his desk. He leaned over and blew it out before moving towards his bed. He used his tail to push the blanket back as he rolled back into bed. He rested Tommy & Ranboo on one side of the bed before pulling the blanket over them. As the brunet rested his head onto the pillow, he felt a small grasp clingy onto his arm. He looked down to see Tommy, who leaned into Ranboo, had wrapped his small tail around his older brother's arm while still sleeping. Techno let out a noise of affection, pulling both boys onto his chest. Finally comfortable enough to relax, Techno hummed to himself as he dozed back asleep.

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