Chapter 1 Ship Me Home

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It was the beginning of the year 1934, eight year old Clarissa was on a boat on her way to meet her new parents, after her parents died in a terrible car crash, she had no other family members that would claim her. Mr.Brown, the social worker, found a family for her across the sea. She was on her way to England from America. Mr.Brown assists that he went with Clarissa to meet her new family. Mr.Brown had a son Christopher Brown. He was the same age as Clarissa. As soon Christopher and Clarissa met they became the best of friends, even its only been a few days. Christopher, as any eight year old boy would do, liked to cause trouble and bring Clarissa into it. Like today.......

"CHRISTOPHER!" Clarissa softly yelled. "You're not suppose to be in Patty's office." Christopher was going through Patty's drawers and suitcases. Patty is one the crew helpers, the highest crew helper, he was pretty much the security gaurd for the ship. But rumors from other crew members say he is very different and he had different job before this, they say he might be a ...... pirate. "Relax Clarissa, quit being such a wimp and keep a look out for Patty." Christopher looked at her with a stinky smirk. Clarissa did what he said and turned around and watched from inside the room. "Woaaah!" Christopher shouted, he than quickly lowered his voice once he notice it louder than he thought. "Look at this...." he whispered. Clarissa ofcourse wanted to see what it was. She walked over towards Christopher where he is holding pictures in his hand. "What is it Christopher?" Clarissa said as she tried to take the pictures out of Christophers hand. "I found them first so I get to hold them." He said. She than quickly ran to his side to get a look of the photos. Half naked girls were all over in the photos. Christopher was enjoying himself and well Clarissa didn't quite get it. Clarissa didn't like that he was getting pleasure out of half naked women photographs. "Christopher will you ever stop being a boy and start acting like a gentlemen?" Clarissa said with a sarcastic voice but at the same time with a little bit of annoyance with it. "C'mon Clarissa im just hav-----" Christopher was soon cut off by no other than Patty."You two again! What in gods name are you doing in here!?" He yelled. Patty charged at Christopher at the same time Clarissa ran for her life. Christopher managed to escape Patty's arms and with the photographs too. Clarissa and Christopher made it to the deck of the ship and no where left to run. "Get back here!" Patty was not even 4 feet away from them, then a bloody curling scream came from the distance. "FIRE!" and a big blast from the back of the ship was heard. "EVACUATE THE SHIP!" "WE ARE GOING DOWN!" yells where heard every where. Clarissa and Chris were grabbed and put into the emergency boat by Patty. Then another big blast happened, knocked Christopher, Clarissa, and Patty out and off the ship.

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