Short Story

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A lot of you messaged me about wanting to hear about Clary and how she reacted to her very first period...please enjoy!!

Clary and Chris were sitting around their campfire after major wind storm went through. Luckily Chris knew how to fix their hut to have a fire inside, after last storm. Chris cooked some crab, oysters, and found some fruit closer into the trees out back, today was a special day it was Clary's birthday. 13 years old. Clary was in deep thinking when Chris pushed mushed mangos in her face. "What was that for!?" She exclaimed as she comes back to reality. "You won't listen to me." He grunted. She just laughed. "You didn't have to do that! A simple tap on the shoulder or even a nudge would do." She giggled as she started picking at the food he laid out in front of her. "I did all of those things and also it's quiet boring doing it that way. I wouldn't have gotten the face you pulled if I did it that way." He mimicked her face but more dramatic. "I did not look like that at all." She groaned. "Oh but you did. I'm gonna remember it for ever." She playfully slapped him. She shoved her mouth full with the most she can fit into her mouth. "Take easy will ya , I gotta eat too." He wasn't teasing he was being quiet rude. She noticed how he has been acting lately and it's quiet not him. She didn't know what to think of it, the only thing that kept coming to her mind lately is that he is sick of her. She wouldn't blame him though there is only two of them and she always gets in some sort of trouble.  Like last week she stepped on a pokey creature with needle like things coming out of its body in the water, and she couldn't get out of her foot, she called for Chris and all he did was complain the whole time how she can't do anything and how she can't do anything around them to help. She felt really bad after that as well. Or when she got stuck in a tree to get some bananas and she couldn't back down because of how far she up in the tree, when Chris showed up all he did was yell at her and tell her she is getting fat, and needs to quit eating and looking for food. She doesn't know what to think of this. After she was done eating she got up and went to lay on her bed. Chris just watched her every move, watching her walk around the hut putting stuff away and then heading towards her bed. 'She is still gaining weight even though she hasn't been a lot lately, her chest is getting bigger and her body is getting more curves. If she keeps getting this way I'm going be the only one fit around here to do things.' He thought to himself. He than quickly ate his food and went to bed himself.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!" Chris jumped high right out of his sleep and looked around, Clary was gone she isn't in her bed. He jumped again when he heard his name. "CHRIS!!!" This wasn't her normal screams this was an actual blood curdling scream. But where was she! He ran and grabbed his spear on his way out, 'The tribe found us.' He thought and he heard her again. "AAAAAAAHHH!" "CLARY!!!!" He started running in the direction he heard her screaming, she wasn't too far away he can hear her echoes of her sniffles and breathing. He went around a big rock next to their hut. She was in the water, but there was blood everywhere in the water. He looked around making sure no one else was there it was just her. Clary realized he was there and she turned around and was in shock. "Your bleeding!" Chris said as he started coming down towards off the rock. "No, I'm fine." She said as she tries to get him stop moving forward, "I'm naked please don't come closer." As she motioned her hands to stop. "But your bleeding." He said with such worry and concern in his voice. "I'm fine!" She snapped. "Now leave, get out!" She was so angry with him and yet she doesn't know why, she is the one who called for him and they always see each other naked since they were little. So why can't she be okay with him looking at her, she kept herself covered with water and her hair covered her upper part of her body. Then she remembered her mother, 'My mom told me this would happen someday. She said it's something women have to know we can have children of our own.' She sat there for a minute in shock. 'Am I going to have a child now! What do I do to care of a child!?' She started panicking. Then she had a huge cramp in her stomach, she cramped over and slowly started walking to the shore. Clary is so confused why is she hurting? She is alone and frighten. What is she gonna do when a baby comes? And how is the baby gonna get here she thought. 'Maybe I won't get a baby because I'm on an island they won't be able to find me, and if they do it won't be for awhile!' She thought as she laid down on the shore, and waited for the terrible pain go away. 

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