Chapter 5

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Clary jumped back immediately, eyes widen with shock and complete confusion with herself. Where in the world did that even come from? How can she just do that without even thinking? Clary stared at him waiting for some sort of reaction, he just stared at her with his mouth in a thin line. She was praying for something to forget what just happened, some sort of a distraction nor even a witty joke from him, within seconds of not receiving one she hurried scrambled up the beautiful trinkets and scurried back to the hut. Chris was completely dumb founded. What was that? That's all he kept thinking, besides the thought he might actually liked it. He quickly got rid of that thought, girls are gross why would he even think of liking that? He was completely disgusted with himself that he had to go distract himself with anything he could think of, and the first thing that came to mind was a good old swim.

After sometime of getting over her embarrassing morning, Clary decided to head out on her own to collect fruits and beautiful flowers to replant by the hut. She discarded her clothes from this morning into a tub full of fresh water and left them there to soak for the rest of the day. She put on her beautifully laced skirt, that she found in the old rusty trunk all those years ago, she then combed her beautifully long lush hair. Shen made her way into the what they called or should I say what Chris called "Tummy yummy room". He was so proud of it, considering he was only 10 when he came up with it at the time, he still refuses to name it something else. Clary suggested on calling it a dining room like all the other normal people would call it, considering that's where they would've ate if they were in an actual house. Chris didn't want to hear any of it, he said " We are not normal beings like our parents, this our place not theirs.". Clary wondered out into the wilderness, she always loved the sound of the waterfall just a couple feet beyond the trees of their little hut. She took a deep breath to get that palm tree scent, mixed with wildflowers that smelled like strawberries and a hint of lavender. She got so caught up in the magic of the scent and the view that she never grew tired of, she slowly made her way more into the center of the island where there are very less trees and flowers. She never seen this place before, its so bare from what she is use to. She continued walking, curious what else she could see, all the sudden bushes that were almost like a wall were right in front of her.

Clary tried move the bush around to see on the other side, but they were so thick that not even light was casting through them. She walked down this bush wall and it was never ending, it was like someone purposely made them this way. Then she remembered something, what part of the island am i on? She thought to her self, she slowly and cautiously made her way back to where she first discovered this wall. Made her way more towards the edge of the island and then it hit her, I'm on the wrong side! She started to panic and without a second thought she ran back towards the hut as so she thought. She was so into the fact that she broke the law that she didn't realize she was going the wrong way....

Chris eventually started to cramp up while swimming, but he was proud that he caught quite a few fish for dinner tonight along with some crabs. He really didn't want to fish today but he couldn't stop thinking about this morning, and Clary. Sure he always thinks about Clary but not like this its always thinking about her safety. Thinking about her now its so different, its like he wanted to touch her, or more like he needed to touch her. Shaking his head as he picked up the fish and thing of crabs and made his way back to the hut. He slowly started prepping the fish for dinner, he had to keep stopping, retract he thoughts. "What is going on with me?" He whispered. It's Clary. He kept saying to himself. She is your best friend. Then he suddenly realized its pitch black outside and he realized still no Clary. He felt like something was wrong. She is never out for this long. He decided he would check the bed for her. No Clary. He went to the side of island she likes to be alone by. No Clary. He was really freaked out. Where could she be? ...... Stopped in his tracks. "The law...." No hesitation he running like his feet weren't even touching the ground.

Sorry guys this was so late lol and also I'm sorry this was a boring one. But I'm gonna be working on the next chapter and i hope it comes out more better than this one!! Thanks for sticking around :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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