Part 1

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Robin walked out of her last class of the day as she saw her girlfriend, Nancy, in the hallway. She walked up to her and said, "Hey Nance"

"Oh hey babe, don't you have to start going to your next class?"

Nancy was surprised to see her because usually, she wouldn't have time to stop and talk.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say hi and ask if you wanted to come to my place after this class," Robin said quickly out of nervousness since they haven't ever hung out at one of their houses. She wanted her to be able to come over because her parents were going on a date for the weekend so they would be alone.

"Yeah that sounds good meet me by my car later and ill drive us there," Nancy said with a friendly smile. She knew that Robin was probably nervous, so she was talking fast.

"Sorry you always have to drive, but I've been saving up to take a driver's test," Robin said smiling.

"I'm sure you'll pass Rob," She said assuringly.

"Okay, thanks Nance, I gotta go to my class now, or I'll be late," Robin said as she started speed walking down the hall. Nancy enjoyed the view until she realized she was being pervy.

---Timeskip to the end of their classes---

Robin and Nancy walked out of the classrooms and went to their lockers. Their lockers weren't close, so they walked out of the school separately. Nancy was the first to be done so she waited by the front doors for Robin. About a minute of waiting Nancy sees Robin coming toward her. She smiles and Robin jogs over not wanting to waste any time.

"Eager to see me, huh?" Nancy teases.

"Oh shut up," Robin says blushing a little bit.

"Ready to go?" Nancy said noticing Robin blushing.

"Yep," she said getting in the car. Nancy got in after her. " My parents won't be home until Sunday night, so until then we can do whatever we want if you can stay.

"I'll text my mom and ask when we get to your house," Nancy said with a smirk because she knew what she wanted to do.

"Okay, do you have an aux cord? We can listen to my playlist," Said Robin.

"Yeah, it should be in the glovebox," Nancy said wanting to know more about the music that her girlfriend listens to. Robin found the cord and connected it to her phone then the car.

"Get ready to be amazed," she said smiling.

"Oh I'm ready," Nancy said laughing

Robin opened the Spotify app, chose her playlist, and hit play. She put her hand on Nancy's thigh and smiled at her. Nancy pulled out of the school's parking lot and started driving to Robin's house.

---Timeskip to them pulling into Robin's driveway---

Robin had fallen asleep due to the exhausting school day but Nancy didn't mind. She woke her up from her nap so they could go inside.

"Oh, Nancy I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep," She apologized

"No, Rob it's okay, just means you'll have more energy for later," She said wanting Robin to get flustered, and it worked.

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