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---A few days have passed since the last story---

"Hey baby," Nancy says walking up to her girlfriend in the hallway. She takes her hand and they lace their fingers. Robin looks at Nancy admiring her.

"Hey Nance, what's up?" she asks curiously.

"I wanted to ask you something, I was gonna ask after school but I will now," She said a little nervous.

"Yeah, what is it?" Robin said wondering what she would be nervous to ask her about.

"There's this party this weekend that I kinda wanna go to and I want you to come with me," She said looking down. "I know it's not your thing, but I'd really like it if you came with me," Nancy said nervously.

"Of course I'll come with you baby," Robin said gently squeezing her hand. Nancy instantly started smiling.

"Thanks Rob, I love you," She said genuinely.

"I love you too, I gotta get to class, I don't wanna be late," Robin said slightly faster than normal. Robin didn't want to tell Nancy this but she had never been to a party before, and she was really nervous.

---Timeskip to the night of the party, Nancy is at Robins house---

Nancy knocked a few times on the door. Robin rushed down the stairs, not wanting to keep her waiting. Once she got to the door she opened it, revealing her girlfriend.

"Hey," Nancy said gently, still a bit nervous.

"Hey baby," Robin said gesturing for her to come in. "Let's go to my room, I still have some things to do before I'm ready to leave. Nancy nodded, looking at Robin with a smile. They make it to her room, closing the door behind them.

"What do you have to do to be ready?" She asked curiously because Robin already looked perfect.

"I just gotta put on some accessories, like rings and stuff," She said looking at nancy, who was wearing a nice top with some jeans. She also had on some bracelets and a necklace. While Robin was wearing a band shirt with an oversized flannel and baggy pants. Robin had a desk, where she kept most of her accessories, Nancy walked up to her from behind, Robin hadn't realized until Nancy pushed her up against the desk, hugging her from behind. She turned Robin around roughly. Then she moved her head until their lips were inches apart then moved to her ear.

"You look so handsome, Rob," Nancy whispered. Robin loved when she called her handsome.

"You look so beautiful," She leaned in to kiss her, but Nancy pulled away. "Pleaseee Nance," She begged.

"Nope, you gotta wait, maybe if your not too needy at the party I'll let you," She said with a smile.

"Ughhh, fine," Robin complained, but she had a plan to get back at her.

"You better hurry up or we're gonna be late," She said playfully.

---Timeskip to the car when they're at the party---

They finally got to the party, they were both a little nervous but they didn't tell each other.

"You ready?" Nancy asked

"Yep," She said confidently. They both opened the car doors, walking up the house's front door. "What do we do? Do we just walk in?" She asked genuinely curious. Nancy took Robin's hand and opened the door. They walked in, seeing people drinking, making out, and dancing to the blaring music.

"It doesn't look great, but a few of my friends are here and they wanted me to come," Nancy said worried that her girlfriend wouldn't have fun.

"Don't worry Nance, as long as I'm with you I'll have a great time," She said trying to reassure her.

"Okay, thanks babe, do you wanna get some drinks with me?" She asked not wanting to leave her alone for someone to hit on. She knows her girlfriend is hot, she knew someone would hit on her, but she still wanted to try her best to prevent it.

"Yeah, where do we go for that?" She asked.

"The kitchen," Nancy said "Where else would the drinks be?"

"I don't know," She said shrugging her shoulders. They walk, bumping into people on their way. They make it there and get some drinks for themselves.

"Do you see anyone you know?" Nancy asked smiling at her.

"Ummmm, oh wait, is that Vickie?" She asked herself. "Nance, I'm gonna go talk to her, is that alright?" She asked her.

"Oh, yeah I guess," She said. Nancy absolutely hated Vickie. She would hit on Robin every time they talked. She hated it, but Robin was oblivious, she tried explaining to Nancy that she was only being friendly. Nancy really hated her, it was like Vickie was rubbing it in her face. The way she laughed when she talked with her, touched her. Nancy just couldn't take it anymore. She got so mad, she felt this pit in her stomach, she had to do something about it. All she could think about was Vickie's laugh, it was like ringing in her head. Nancy rushed over to her girlfriend and Vickie. She took Robin's hand, dragging her up the stairs, Robin was just confused, rambling on not knowing what Nancy is about to do.

"Nancy, what are you doing?" She asked while Nancy was trying to find an unlocked door.

"Robin, be quiet," She demanded. She stopped talking, Nancy finally found an open door. She dragged Robin inside and shut the door. Nancy pinned her against the door roughly. The pit in her stomach was so strong, it wouldn't go away. She kissed Robin aggressively. Robin pulled away,


"Robin I said be quiet," She cut her off. Nancy grabbed her hand leading, her to the random person's bed. She pushed her down, then took her pants own pants off. Nancy sat on her lap, she started grinding on her thigh. The pit in her stomach only got stronger as the ringing of Vickie's voice got louder. She kept grinding, Robin went to put her hand in her pussy, but Nancy said "No, Robin I need it like this." Robin nodded. She put her hands on Nancy's hips, helping her. "Yes, good," She said grinding harder now.

Robin, looking up at Nancy, she's been doing that the whole time but she only noticed now. She's getting close, the pit is getting overwhelming. Looking at Robin and hearing the ringing in her ear, she knows what she has to do to make it go away. She takes a fist full of Robin's hair and pulls her head back. "You're mine," She said roughly, but that didn't make it go away. Robin knew what this was about now. Nancy could see the realization in her eyes. "I need to hear you say it," She said.

"Yes Nance, I'm yours," The pit in her stomach faded. She couldn't help but moan as she came down. Nancy sat in Robin's arms, but the realization of how childish she had been, they were just talking but Vickie made her so mad and she just went over the edge. She could feel the pit returning but it felt different, before it was jealousy, but she didn't know what this was.

"Hey, it's okay," Robin said. The pit went away again. They laid down. "Maybe I should try making you jealous more often if this is what I get for it," She said smiling. Nancy chuckled a little bit, feeling cared for as she laid in Robin's arms. Nancy noticed Robin's pants, one side of them were ruined.

"What are we gonna do about your pants?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's a good question," Robin said.

"We'll just say you spilled your drink," Nancy suggested.

"Yeah, okay we should get back down there before people start wondering where we are," She said.

"Just a few more minutes," Nancy said starting to kiss Robin's neck. "I wanna mark you up," She said smirking. Robin couldn't resist. A few minutes pass and they're ready to go back downstairs.

---Timeskip to them getting ready to leave---

Robin didn't like to drink much so she only too a few sips of her drink. Nancy had a few too many drinks so Robin insisted on taking her back to her house. Nancy gave in, even though Robin didn't have her license she knew how to drive. She took her back to Robin's house Nancy fell asleep about five minutes into the drive but Robin didn't mind. Once they were there she helped Nancy into the house. They got into her bedroom. Robin got her some clothes and helped her change so she would be more comfortable. Robin laid Nancy down on her bed, then she laid with her, being the big spoon. Nancy was asleep before Robin even laid down. She was exhausted so she fell asleep a few minutes later.

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