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Robin had a date idea. She had it prepared, so now all she had to do was actually ask Nancy on the date. She grabbed her phone off the couch and went to messages. She calls her girlfriend hoping she's not busy. She picked up after the second ring.

"Hey, Nance!" She said excitingly.

"Hi, baby!" Nancy said, also excited because they hadn't talked in about a day. They were both too busy with other things to have time to talk to each other.

"So um are you doing anything tonight?" She asked, hoping her girlfriend wasn't busy.

"Nope, I'm completely free," Nancy said enthusiastically.

"Do you wanna come over tonight?" Robin asked shyly.

"Yeah, of course, when do you want me to be there?" She asked with a smile.

"Is 8:30 okay?" Robin asked. It would be 8:30 in an hour, giving both of them plenty of time to be ready.

"Yeah, that's good. I'll be there then," She said, already getting up to get ready.

"Okay, text me when you're here."

---Timeskip to Nancy pulling into Robin's driveway---

"I'm here." Nancy texted. Robin rushed to the door. Nancy grabbed the small bag she brought, got out of her car, and walked to the door eagerly.

"Hey," Robin said opening her door.

"Hey, Rob." Nancy knew she liked that nickname, so she liked using it. She gestured for Nancy to come in, so she walked in her house.

"So I thought it would be fun to do something a little different," Robin said smiling.

"Okay...." Nancy said, a little confused. Robin lead her to the living room. There were folded blankets, chairs, and thumb tacks. "What's this?" Nancy asked, confused.

"We're gonna make a fort!" She said happily.

"I've never made a fort before," She said innocently

"What?!?" Robin said loudly.

"What?" She asked confused

"How have you never made a fort?" Robin asked.

"I don't know, I never really thought about it," Nancy said.

"That's crazy, I'm gonna have to fix that," She said playfully.

"So, how do we do this?" Nancy asked.

---They made the fort, after multiple attempts---

"Okay, so I forgot my laptop, I need to go get it," Robin said innocently.

"I'm gonna get snacks," Nancy said with a smile. After a few minutes, Robin finds her laptop. Nancy put the snacks in the corner of the fort. She also got up quickly and grabbed the bag she brought, and put it in the fort.

"Hey, I got it," Robin said smiling, then got into the fort.

"I missed you today," Nancy said sincerely.

"Aww, I missed you too," She said cutely. Nancy got closer to her and kissed her. Robin smiled into the kiss. She pulled away for air. "We should find something to watch," Robin said smiling.

"Mmm, no I have a better idea," Nancy said eagerly. She smashed her lips into Robin's, she kissed back. Nancy got closer to her, putting her arms around Robin's waist.

"Eager are we?" Robin teased.

"Shut up and kiss me," She said sternly, but not mean. Nancy pulled her in quickly. Robin cupped her girlfriend's face with one hand, the other going down her stomach. Robin pulled away for air.

"I want you," She said breathlessly, moving her hand from Nancy's face to the hem of her shirt.

"Take it off," Nancy said. Her girlfriend took the other's shirt off. Robin tugged at her bra. "That too," She said. Robin unhooked it in a few seconds. She took her own shirt and bra off. She started unbuttoning her jeans, not wanting to waste time. Nancy did the same. Robin got even closer to Nancy, putting her hands on her stomach.

"I wanna touch you," Robin pleaded.

"What do you say?" She teased.

"Please," She begged. Nancy took her pants off, then Robin's. She kissed her roughly, Robin's hands wandering. Nancy started kissing her girlfriend's neck, biting lightly a few times. Robin moved one of her hands into Nancy's panties, brushing against her clit lightly. Nancy let out a small moan at the contact. She moved her finger against her slit, feeling how wet her girlfriend is. Robin pushed her down lightly, making Nancy gasp. She continued to kiss her neck roughly. Robin put a finger into her pussy, and she moaned loudly. She kept a fast pace.

"That feels good, don't stop baby," Nancy said eagerly. She moved her head down to her pussy and started licking her clit. Robin made a pattern and didn't stop, she got faster. "Fuck Rob, you're so good," Nancy said between moans. Robin kept her pace for a few minutes. "I'm really close," She said pulling lightly on Robin's hair. A few seconds go by and she moans Robin's name repeatedly, her legs shaking. Robin helps her come down. Nancy sits up and grabs the bag she brought, she pulls out a strap. Robin's eyes widen.

"Nance-" She said surprised.

"We don't have to use it if you don't want to," Nancy said calmly.

"No, I want to, It's just, that looks pretty big." Robin said nervously.

"I'll go slow," She said.

"Okay," Robin said, still a little nervous. Nancy put the strap on easily, also taking lube out of the bag. She put some on her hand, then the strap. Robin laid down.

Nancy put one finger in her pussy, then two, allowing her to get somewhat adjusted. "Are you ready, Rob?" She asked gently.

"Yeah, just go slow at first," She nodded, using her hand to put the strap to her pussy. Nancy pushed slightly, causing Robin to gasp. She pushes again, harder. The tip goes in slowly, getting a moan from Robin. She slowly pushes the strap in for a minute, picking up the pace slightly. Pulling it out, then pushing it in. Another minute goes and Nancy is thrusting faster, making Robin moan her name. "You're doing so good, Rob."

A few minutes go by and Nancy is thrusting in and out at a fast pace. Robin is moaning, possibly alerting the neighbors. Nancy puts one hand over her mouth, not wanting to get a noise complaint, "Shhh, baby I don't want the neighbors calling the cops for a complaint," She said, still thrusting. Robin looked at her girlfriend in the eyes and didn't stop. Nancy moved her hand slightly and shoved two fingers in her mouth, grinning at the sight. Robin was getting close, she couldn't help but moan. She moved Nancy's hand and says,

"I'm really close please don't stop," Barely getting through the sentence. Seconds later she came, Nancy slowed down, and removed the strap. "Fuck that felt so good," She said. Nancy was undeniably wet by what happened. They both put some of their clothes back on. Robin laid down, still recovering. Nancy picked something to watch and laid the laptop on her stomach while Robin laid her head on her shoulder, their legs intertwining.

"I love you," Nancy said holding her hand gently.

"I love you too, Nance," She said looking up at her beautiful girlfriend.

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