Part 2

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Once they were in the room Robin asked, "Do you want some of my clothes to wear?"

"Yeah, Please," She said. Robin when to her closet and got Nancy, and herself, some clothes to wear.  She held up the clothes she got for her and asked, "Are these okay?"

"I'd wear anything of yours baby," She said walking toward Robin with a smile. Nancy gave her a quick kiss and took the clothes. She started taking her shirt off when she heard

"NANCY- what are you doing?" Robin asked.

"I'm getting changed," She said calmly

"Oh- okay. I just didn't expect you to start undressing in front of me," Robin said calming down.

"Do you not want me to?" Nancy asked.

"No that's okay, sorry for yelling, I was surprised," She said, then Nancy took her shirt off. Robin looked at her boobs for a second then looked away not wanting to disrespect or make her girlfriend uncomfortable. Nancy notices.

"You can look, Rob," She said walking closer to her.

"Are you sure" Robin starts rambling, not noticing that Nancy grabbed her hands until she put Robin's hands on her boobs.

"Nancy, what are you doing?" She said not being able to tell if she was excited or nervous. 

"Do you want me to stop?" Nancy asked as she let go of her hands and unhooked her bra.

"No, don't stop," She said wanting to see more. Robin moved her hands, the bra fell to the floor. "Wow," She said as she was trying to figure out where to put her hands. Nancy noticed and moved her hands to her boobs again.  She looked up at Robin.

"Can I take your shirt off baby?" She asked.

"Yeah," Robin said lifting her arms up, Nancy took it off eagerly.

"What about this?" She asked tugging at Robin's bra hook. She just nodded her head nervously. "Are you sure? You don't have to"

"It's okay, take it off," She said a little more calm than before. Nancy nodded and unhooked her bra. She looked at them, then took Robin's hand, so she could bring her to the bed. Nancy sat Robin down. She unbuttoned her own pants then sat on Robin's lap. She grinded lightly on her girlfriend's thigh while kissing her. Robin went to put her hand in Nancy's pants.

"Not yet," She said grabbing her hands and restraining them.


"No," Nancy said cutting Robin off. She let go of Robin's hands to unbutton her pants. Robin took that opportunity to put her hands on Nancy's waist. Before Nancy puts her hand in Robin's pants she asks,

"Can I?"

"Yes, please," She begs. Nancy puts her hand on Robin's clit through her panties. She holds in a moan.

"Does that feel good?" She asks.

"Yes, Nance please, it feels really good," Robin said.

"Someone's needy, huh?" She teases. Robin nods her head eagerly. "No, I wanna hear you say it," Nancy demands.

"Yes. I'm needy, just please, don't stop Nance," She says. 

"Good girl," Nancy says, knowing she likes being called that. She gets up, takes both of their pants off, then got on top of her. Robin's legs were slightly apart, so she took the opportunity to put her thigh between hers. Robin immediately starts grinding on her thigh. Nancy kissed her neck roughly, biting her a few times, knowing it would leave a mark. Robin's breathing got faster as she kept grinding.

"Oh, Nancy please, it feels so good," Robin said in pieces. 

"I barely even have to touch you to get you like this," She teased. Nancy moved her thigh away.

"Please nancy, I need you so bad," Robin begged.

"Who's bitch are you?" She asked.

"Yours. I'm yours, Nance," She said desperately. 

"Good girl," Nancy said, putting her thigh back.

"I'm close, I'm really close Nancy," She said. Nancy groped Robin's boobs, then sucked on them, as Robin moaned loudly. A few seconds later she came on Nancy's thigh. Nancy put two fingers on Robin, then said,

"Open your mouth." She obeyed, so Nancy put her fingers in Robin's mouth, then took them out once they were clean of her cum.  Nancy praised her by saying, "You did really good baby." Robin looked up at Nancy and smiled. "I'm gonna take care of you," She said.

"Thank you, Nance," She said gratefully.

"Come on, let's get you dressed," She said.

"Mmm, okay," Robin said sleepily. Nancy walked to the other side of the room to get their clothes. She put hers on, then went back to Robin. 

"Stand up," She said. Robin did as told and Nancy put her shirt on. "Put these on," She said handing Robin a pair of grey sweat pants. She put them on then looked for the remote to play the movie. By the time she found it Nancy was laying down ready for her to lay with her. "Come here," Nancy said holding her arms out to hold her. Robin laid in Nancy's arms. Nancy likes being the big spoon, so she doesn't mind.

"I love you," Robin said

"I love you too, Rob," She said.

 They ate some of their snacks and took a few sips of their drinks. Robin got scared a few times but Nancy was there to reassure her, even though she was just as scared, Nancy just didn't show it. Halfway through the movie, they fell asleep. 

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