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He should have known that Inuyasha wouldn't make things easy. Of course she would fight his dominance. She spent a good part of her life as a male after all. It didn't matter to him though, his father told him that she was born for him and as such she wouldn't be able to fight him for long. He felt his blood boil with anger when she tried to run from him, he had to ensure that she wouldn't do that again. He was just not sure how he was going to do that yet.

Yes he could mark her....but that didn't necessarily guarantee that she wouldn't flee yet again.

He scraped his fangs to her delicate neck satisfied at the moan that escaped those lush lips.

He felt his skin tight and feverish as he ran his hand up her satin smooth skin of her thighs satisfied when she arched her back slightly towards him moaning softly.

He lifted his head and looked at her face as she whined softly her eyes glassing over slightly.

He eyed those lush lips before he lowered his mouth to hers moaning deep in his throat at her taste. He teased her mouth open and plunged deep taking all that she had to offer.

He moved his hands to her face holding her to him as fire consumed him inside leaving him unable to think or reason.

She tasted of everything he was missing in his life, and everything that she could bring him, family, companionship, and love.

His tongue played with hers needing her feel what he was feeling at this moment, he wanted to let her know what she did to him with this kiss.

She was making the sweetest moans and noises in the back of her throat that if he wasn't careful he would take her on the cold hard forest floor like an animal, but that was she was reducing him to.

Groaning he pulled away only to nuzzle her neck then to her shoulder scraping her skin leaving his scent on her.

"You are mine Inuyasha" he whispered to her as he looked at her sweet face once more before he bit her shoulder marking her his forever.


She knew she should stop him

but damn him for arousing her very feminine core in a way that she couldn't understand.

His kiss was so much different than that one time she kissed Kikyo and very different from Kagome's sweet kiss that woke her from turning full demon so long ago. Sesshomaru kissed her with a passion that awoke something new and frightening.

It made her open up and give him everything, his kiss had an edge of desperation that didn't match his cold demeanor. She strangely wanted to sooth him, to comfort him to let him know that whatever was wrong with him was okay.

He cupped her face so gently that it only made her ache even more, never has anyone touched her like she was precious. She felt his face against her neck and then her shoulder scraping his fangs lightly making her arch her back to him.

Then it dawned on her why she needed to stop him. This man was her brother, the very person who had up until a few days ago hated her for only being a half breed.

"You are mine Inuyasha" her mind was in a haze and too tired to consider on what he was saying or doing. It wasn't until she felt him bite her delicate shoulder that she realized what he has done.

Her entire being cried out as ber body felt like it was consumed by flames.

It was too late

He marked her and claimed her as his mate.

What has he done?! And what the hell was she thinking letting him get to her I'm such a way? This was twisted and unnatural.

She mustered all of her strength and courage that she had and kicked him in his crotch...hard.

Inuyasha felt him grunt in pain and she almost laughed out loud. She always wondered why females liked doing that to other males and now she knew.

It was rather satisfying

Inuyasha got up and glared at him as he tried breathing though the pain, clutching his aching area

"What the hell is the matter with you? You're acting like a dog in heat Sesshomaru! How could you mate with me? I'm your brother.... Sorry scratch that...I'm your fucking sister you sicko! This is just plain disturbing" Inuyasha huffed at him...almost feeling sorry at the pain she put him in.

"Your body and face has changed but you're the same loud mouth! As well as ill-mannered Inuyasha" he grunted at her from the floor.

The girl merely shrugged at his comment.

"What in the world were you expecting Sesshomaru? For me to be batting my lashes and fawning over you? my body changed maybe but not my mind" she sassed, crossing her arms.

"And you are still seeing with a human point of view" He said finally getting up to glare back at her but she refused to let him intimidate her.

"What are you blabbing about now? What does this have to do with my human blood?" She demanded, narrowing her eyes.

"You are refusing to acknowledge me as your lifemate because of the time you spent living with humans! Had you been raised in our father's kingdom as you should have been from the moment that you were born...we would have been mated to me years ago"

Oh how she so wanted to kick him hard again right now!

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