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Sesshomaru had been flying through the skies as if the very hounds of hell were at his heels, desperation to get to his mate making him feral, mind becoming more animalistic and far more primitive.


His demon wanted their koneko and pup back within the confines of their arms. Her screams still ringing in his ears as she reached out for him and he failed her. Once he gets her back would she still want to be near him?

Or was she being poisoned against him at this very moment? He snarled at the thought of her looking at him with a sneer, of her fighting so that he couldn't bring her back home.

Bloody hell.

He honestly didn't think he would be able to recover from that blow. She alone was the only person who understood him, whom he couldn't live without…..she was his sanctuary.

He had lost track of her, someone placed a spell on his mark. That action was enough to make him see red all over again. That meant that someone was close enough to touch her...an offence punishable by death in his eyes. Without a way to track her….it would take longer to get to her, he feared for her safety and their pup.

"My lord, where do we look first?"

Came the barking of Kazunari, snapping him out of his train of thoughts.

"I don't think they will be foolish enough to take her to your mother's palace, so that leaves us to search the home's of each elder" his trusted general said

But Sesshomaru knew that could take too long; they have their homes concealed due to their seat on the council

He wanted to scream in frustration. While it wouldn't be impossible for him to undo their spells, it was the time it would take to go from palace to palace.

He growled, feeling his hate for them fill his every pore.

Suddenly he caught the flow of emotions deep within him. He paused.....not breathing, daring not to hope when it caressed against him


Immediately his powers flared in the direction of the flow, steeling the connection better filling it with power until he could feel her emotions. Anxiety, fear and....love. She was pouring so much of her love into the connection that he sent a silent thank you to the kamis that her feelings for him have not changed. He growled low in his throat, he wanted her with him, wanted to tuck her into his body and never let her go.

He flew off in the direction of the flow of her energy immediately and cursed when he realized that she was further from him than he wanted her to be.

"I want to go home Sessh….take me home"

Sesshomaru closed his eyes, feeling anger consume him once more, but he pushed it down and focused on her energy.

"Koneko…..where are you?"

He felt the connection waver; she was using too much energy keeping them linked since some imbecile tried to sever their connection.

"Fuck if I know….I haven't been permitted to leave this stupid room….but I see snow covered mountains in the distance but that is about it. I don't know how much longer I can keep up the connection…I'm starving and feel so damn tired!"

The male silver Inu growled as concern for his mate and pup grew until he let out an enraged roar.

"Rest koneko….rest and get some nourishment…then find me again"

Her response had so much relief that he felt his heart beat heavily, he had to find her, failure was not an option. She was filled with anxiety.

"Okay….hurry…..and don't get mad if I claw out your mothers eyes, she's getting on my last nerve"

He barked out a laugh. Even in this situation…she still managed to bring him laughter.

"Language koneko, language"  he said fondly to her. She was his light, his joy, his future and all would pay dearly for taking her.

What made them assume that they could defeat him? What idiotic notion ever gave way that he would be merciful for such a crime? Even if he did mate with Inuyasha, his half-sister, it wasn't against their laws; it just wasn't practiced any longer.

As for her age…Inuyasha had human blood in her, so her ageing was slightly different from a full blooded demon. Of course now that she was his mate, her life span matched his own.

He was convinced that the head elders were told something else, something that no doubt Akira and his mother made up. The way the elder Kazuhito spoke when they were on the castle grounds made him wonder if he was told that Inuyasha was being kept against her will, or that she was in some way compelled.

The elder spoke to her kindly enough and he seemed protective of her, like a father would a pup, so what was going on? What was he told to make him intervene like he did?

"Maybe i wouldn't kill him….at least not until I got some answers from him"

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