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My mom screams my name loud enough for the neighbors to hear. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and try to pull my wild hair away from my face. 


"Will you get that?" My mom responds.

"Why don't you get it?" I groan under my breath, stumbling out to the phone that rings in the hallway.

I pick up the receiver sluggishly, "Henderson's," Not even trying to hide the groggy nature of my voice.

"Hi, Claudia? It's Joyce," a panicked voice blasts in my ear. I pull the receiver away and hold it at a distance. "I just wanted to see if Will stayed the night with Dustin?"

I squint, trying to remember if I did see him with Dustin. But I was positive they took the long way to get to the Byer's house last night, or they would have passed me on my bike. 

"Um, no- no he didn't," I respond lazily.

Mrs. Byer's breath hitches over the phone, "Oh- okay."

After a few beats of loud breaths, I break the silence. "Is everything okay?"

"Um- yes, I'm sure it's fine. I think he just went to school early is all. Thank you!" Her voice sounds shaken. She begins to stammer inaudible words before she blurts, "Can you call me if you hear anything?"

"Yeah, yeah I can do that," I assure her.

A loud crash sounds, the call disconnecting abruptly. 

It was a weird interaction. But Mrs. Byers was an extreme person. So I brush it off and stumble back to bed, eager for a few more minutes sleep. But just as I begin to doze off- the alarm sounds in my room.

"Damn it," I mumble into my pillow. My hand slams down on the clock before I get myself out of bed.

Time to get ready for another miserable Monday.

The outfit I wore yesterday is wrinkled, but I hope Nancy won't notice if I wear my jean jacket over the flannel shirt. I groan at my reflection, tucking, then untucking my shirt. 

It was a daily struggle, wanting to look like the girls with perfect bodies, who could flaunt their stomachs without unnecessary rolls. 

A knock sounds on the door, "You look just as stupid as you did when you woke up," Dustin shouts, "Now will you please get out so I can pee?"

"Just go use the bathroom downstairs!" I yell back between putting on mascara.

"Mom's in there," Dustin whines. "Would you please just get out?"

"Give me one more minute."

I frantically tuck my shirt in again and finish applying makeup before throwing the door open.

Dustin stands there with a sleepy glare. He slams his shoulder into mine to get through the doorway, "You were in there for five minutes and thirty-seven seconds. You said a minute."

I roll my eyes. "Hurry, okay? Our ride will be here in five minutes and thirty-seven seconds."

I slip on my worn converse, I shuffle down the stairs- and just in time. I hear Barb honks the horn twice to notify us she's arrived. 

"Dustin, come on!" I shout before heading out to the car myself, letting myself collapse in the front seat of Barb's Volkswagen. She smiles, looking over at me. 

Instead of returning a smile, my face scrunches up, "Mondays are never convenient, are they?"

She chuckles, "Good morning to you too. Where's your brother?"

troubled souls ~ Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now