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It was weird being at the Harrington's again. I peered through the darkness, noticing a few trees were gone now. It looks like Steve's dad finally painted the garage as well, something his mom talked about all the time when I would come over.

Nancy begins taking larger strides to get to the house, leaving Barb and I in her dust. She quickly presses the doorbell and fixes her outfit just as we arrive at the doorstep.

"Okay guys, be chill."

"I'm chill." Barb defends, taking in a labored breath. 

Steve pulls open the double doors with a large grin on his face. "Hello ladies," he says as he gestures us in with wide arms.

We all shuffle through the doorway, Barb and I standing as close as we can to each other.

Nancy looks up and around at the decorations, her lips turned up in an uncontainable grin. "I like it."

"It's not too shabby," Steve smiles. "Here, I'll give you a tour."

The two walk ahead of us shoulder to shoulder as Steve points out the main living areas.

"Hi, Steve," I begin to mimic Nancy's voice in soft tones so only Barb can hear, "Oh, wow, this place is amazing. You have stairs too? No way!"

"Stop!" She reprimands with a hiss. But only after laughing at my impression of Nancy. 

"...and this is the kitchen. You guys can have anything in the fridge, it's all free game." Steve finally spares a moment to glance at me and Barb with a polite smile.

Everything in the room looked totally different than the last time I was here. The fridge, stove, and microwave are all brand new, and the cabinets and countertop were different colors.

I sweep my hand across the breakfast bar, "Did your parents redo the kitchen?"

Steve nods, "Uh yeah, probably about a year ago I think?"

"Looks nice," I politely nod.

"Yeah, it's been a while since you've been here," He mentions as he grabs two packs of beers out of the fridge and shuts the door with his hip.

I can see in his googly-eyed glance at Nancy, signifying he has quickly forgotten about me and Barb. 

"Tommy and Carol are out back, next to the pool."

We follow closely behind the two. Nancy turns around and bites her lip at us excitedly before exiting the slider door.

There are several pool chairs surrounding the steaming water. In one sits Tommy and Carol, who are practically eating each other's faces. Barb and I glance at each other and subliminally choose to sit in the farthest seats from the two.

Steve pulls out his pocketknife and grabs a beer. He stabs the bottom of it, then snaps it open and begins to chug it while Nancy gawks. If he was trying to get her attention, it worked.

"And why is that even cool?" Barb asks me under her breath, shaking her head.

As if on cue, Nancy smirks. "Is that supposed to impress me?"

Steve pulls out a cigarette and puts it between his lips when he responds, "You're not?"

"You are a cliché, you do realize that?" Nancy teased in the higher pitch voice she seems to only use around Steve.

troubled souls ~ Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now