Extra 2: The story of Four Guardians

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It's been over two million years since Winter last saw her soul sister.

Summer, her sweet, cheerful, soft hearted sister. The sister whom she pledged to protect, loved more than herself, whom she could never live without, function or be stable, disappeared from the face of Earth because of... Herself.

Everyone feared and revered the mighty Summer. How absurd!

If only they really feared and respected her, maybe things would have been better.

When Winter submerged the whole landmass under the oceans, the water seeped deep into the Earth dampening every bit of her soil. The burnt woods floated but with time, were soaked and decayed. Even the stones and minerals were soaked completely. The onset of winter froze everything and blanketed the whole earth with sheets of ice and snow.

Seeing her sister disappear, Winter went blank. She couldn't understand or think of anything that might have caused her sister's disappearance.

"Wasn't all back to normal now?" She asked herself.

Realisations washed over her in alternating waves of pain and numbness. She let out a piercing shriek and wailed. Her exhaustion did little to stop her pain as she turned into Xuanwu and retreated from the world.

With everything damp, wet, cold and frozen, the fire extinguished and so her sister.

In her retreat, she lamented. How she never realised that her always mighty, fearsome and uncontrollable sister was so vulnerable and fragile in reality. Even when humans brought upon themselves and their mother the calamity of heat and destruction using fire, she was still there, maybe not for human's survival, but there.

In form of oceans, moisture, the gases that could combine to form her again, living being's own body had water, infact whenever fire burned it released water vapours. But what now?

Earth tried to call her daughter, she caused volcanic eruptions wherever and whenever possible to atleast feel the presence of her daughter.

Whenever the molten lava flowed out with flares and sparks of fire, she rejoiced.

But with everything damp and frozen, the lava cooled down and solidified into minerals and earth faster than she could soak in her daughter's warmth.

It felt like her daughter even in her inexistence was bent on saving her mother and sister. Providing extremely fertile lava soil and minerals as surface to hold water.

Years passed into decades, centuries and millennia but fire kept on purging her own life to protect her mother and sister... Or so she thought.

Without fire, summer, midday warmth, there was nothing left for humans to survive. Without her sister, the guilt of causing her sister's disappearance and incapability to bring her back, Winter lost her balance. The temperature kept dropping. The once overflowing population of earthly beings had considerably decreased. With sparse vegetation, fewer animals to hunt and no water to drink except ice, they had opted cannibalism.

The world was nearing it's absolute destruction.

Finally, Time and Energy came to the rescue.

Under their guidance, Tianzhu and Houtu created Metal and Wood elements into Autumn and Spring seasons to guide, regulate and protect their daughters. They were to be the guardians of Winter and Summer and thereby the guardians of the world.

With Energy blessing the ritual, the metal and wood energies took the form of adult men.

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