Master of Burial Mounds "Part 3"

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And that means, my illusion, this appearance as a boy, mama did it not only to hide my identity as a girl but also to hide my unique appearance from the world. But, how come I never and still can’t feel the presence of silver core inside me?” Wei Wuxian asked, closing her eyes, trying to feel her core but in vain.

“It’s your Waipo, master!” Chenqing said, solemnly, “I can feel it. There’s an invisible barrier around your silver core, just beneath the layer of resentment energy. Probably this barrier would have been over your resentment energy too and only recently, because of the circumstances, resentment energy surpassed the barrier and revealed itself in its maximum potential.”


“…All this time, they’ve always been with me. My mama, baba, bobo, bomu, Qing jiejie, Ning gege, Jun Shushu, waipo, You, Youling jie, you all have been doing so much for me, protecting me silently for all these years and I-I didn’t even know! I even once thought that my parents… they abandoned me! I’m so so sorry for being such a disappointment to everyone and to you, Chenqing!” Wei Wuxian said, looking away from Chenqing, gloomy and sulkily

“Master! Please don't say this! It’s our duty and responsibility to protect you. As parents, as your relatives, as the spirit of your musical instrument, I’m more than honoured to be able to protect you. There have been times when I thought I failed. In all these sixteen years, whenever you were in danger, hurt, in pain or even upset, I could feel everything and it… burned me to not be there for you.

But now, that you’re here, I promise, master. I’ll never be separated from you, ever again!” Chenqing declared, looking into his master’s teary eyes, firmly

“Chenqing, if I’m here, then are the other three guardians also here? Have they also incarnated like me?” Wei Wuxian asked, wiping her tears, curiously

“I don’t know if they have reincarnated but they are definitely here, master,” Chenqing said firmly, “However, they aren’t aware of their true identity. Also, it’s only you who was born immortal. Other guardians even if they’re here, they’re just like any other mortal in this world. When the time comes, their powers will be awakened but at the moment, I’m not really sure who they are and where they are! If you really want to know about them, I can ask other spirits, once we leave the Burial Mounds!” Chenqing said, thoughtfully, with a smile on his face

“What are you smiling about, Chenqing? Excited to meet your old friends after so many years?” Wei Wuxian asked, mischievously

“I’m not sure if I can actually call them old friends, master. As I said, although I know I’m the spirit of your musical instrument since time immemorial, I have no memories of the time before my life as the Spirit of Burial Mounds. All I know is you, master. It’s only you, whom I feel connected with and can’t explain why but, somehow, it’s perfectly fine with me.” Chenqing said, smiling contentedly

“Aww! Chenqing! I love you too!” Wei Wuxian said, throwing herself into the protective arms of an amused Chenqing before saying, “So, now that we know all we should, can we leave Burial Mounds and go beat the crap out of Yin Iron?”

Chenqing’s arms tightened around his master, unconsciously as he asked for the last time, “Are we really ready to face whatever awaits us, outside this barrier, master?”

And almost as if in that moment of time, Wei Wuxian’s bright silver eyes shined with a light so clear, so mature and determined that it scared Chenqing.

All of a sudden, her voice, her aura, her demeanour felt so different as if she wasn’t herself or maybe, she was finally herself, as Wei Wuxian smiled mysteriously, looking into the distance and said in her most solemn and calm voice, “No one is ever prepared for anything, Chenqing. It’s all on us! Always on us, whether to win or lose. It’s a journey, we must take on our own, as a part of nature. A lesson we must learn for a greater cause known by none.

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