Life among Lotuses "Part 3"

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Note: Pronouns such as he/she, herself/himself will be used according to the situation and character(s) with whom the interaction of Wei Wuxian is being addressed


It started just a few weeks after A'xian came to Lotus Pier.

With a sole purpose of becoming a true cultivator just like her Waipo, her whole family and even her Youling jie wanted, A'xian worked hard day and night, tirelessly, to build her golden core, to become a strong cultivator and search for her family.

Yu Ziyuan saw how A'xian was getting better, stronger and smarter day by day. His progress was known and praised by everyone especially her husband, Jiang Fengmian.

She was burned up with jealousy and anger whenever her husband even as much as smiled towards that street rat. That abomination Wei Wuxian, a spitting image of Cangse Sanren, her very own nemesis who destroyed her life.

She tried to control her emotions but things started to turn ugly when A'xian's progress even surpassed the progress of her own son.

Yu Ziyuan, from then on, watched over Axian's every action like a hawk. She left no opportunity to curse, taunt, insult and humiliate A'xian with the sole purpose of demoralising him, dampen his spirits and hamper his progress.

But when none of her efforts gained desired results, much like how Wei Wuxian's mother Cangse Sanren responded to her futile attempts, she became infuriated... and resorted to violence and torture.

It was because of A'xian that the disciples gained courage to take a break, play, mingle with the commoners and be happy in the Lotus Pier.

And Yu Ziyuan used this to her advantage.

She often took rounds around the Lotus Pier at odd hours in the name of overseeing the work but in reality, she was on a ...hunt!!

Flanked by her two most trusted maids, Jinzhu and Yinzhu, Yu Ziyuan often captured the disciples who had just escaped their routine training or have completed it earlier to play with A'xian and others, and punished them severely on the account of indiscipline and lack of training efforts.

She increased their training routine often to a more difficult level and for longer durations, without any breaks and supplements, be it under the scorching hot sun, heavy downpour or cold winters.

She knew, being the brave, kind and emotional fool person Wei Wuxian is, he will definitely not stay still seeing others getting punished and will blame himself.

And she was right.

Wei Wuxian soon started taking the blames for others actions, whether or not it was related to him in order to protect them from punishment

Yu Ziyuan took pleasure in punishing Wei Wuxian. She vented out all her anger, frustration and insecurities by punishing him, making his life miserable in any and every way possible.

She often punished him to kneel down in their ancestral hall for hours, even days without food and water to repent on his actions.

Whenever A'xian made progress better than Jiang Cheng, be it studies, sword fighting, musical instruments, development of golden core, sports or even their little games, she never failed to humiliate him, torture him and remind him of his origin, of him being the son of a servant, the fact that he isn't supposed to surpass his master in any way.

She struck him with Zidian, a spiritual whip like weapon, with energy resembling that of a purple lighting bolt.

An ordinary person if struck with Zidian for even once will have deep charred, bruised, burnt and bleeding crack in the skin, all along the path of the whip. That person will not be able to stand properly or even heal for several days.

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