The Axe Wielding Queen - Part 2

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Finally I was at the extraction point but nobody was here yet so I made my way into one of the empty buildings, now sitting down in one of the rooms, staying low and quiet. I pulled out a small medical kit from my small satchel, beginning to clean up and wrap my wound, hissing slightly at the pain. I sighed softly, thanking god that Angela has showed me how to properly treat minor wounds. I placed my gun down on the ground and leaned my back against the wall, resting my head against the wall as I told Jack over the coms that I got to the extraction point safely but was unsure on where Junker Queen was as I had lost her when I ran off. I bet she wasn't happen with the flash bang that blew up in her face. I chuckled softly at the though, god I swear I can't believe I did that! I sighed softly and glanced down at my wrapped up leg.

As I now reached for my gun when I began hearing some foot steps coming from down the hall a bit, a knife smashed into the gun, my hand quickly retracting from it. I watched as the knife launched back towards the doorway, taking my gun it had stabbed into with it. My eyes widened as I looked to the doorway, none other than Junker Queen herself bending over and moving herself under the door frame. "There you are you little runt." I quickly whipped out my pistol and pointed it at her as my back stayed pressed against the wall. "S-Stop! Don't come any closer! I will shoot you!" She grinned as she stood up properly, "oh that certainly won't do anything against me-" I fired at her but it rebounded off her arm piece. She frowned swiftly threw her knife at me, making me throw myself out of the way as it stuck into the wall. I kept firing at her as I scrambled away from her to the other side of the room, my pistol very quickly running out of ammo. I threw it at her and made my way for the window, my gun being knocked away from her before it was to collide with her face. Just as I was going to jump out the window, her knife stabbed into the side of my shirt, just cutting into my skin but pinning my piece of clothing to the window sill. I pulled it out of my shirt but suddenly the knife pulled me with it as it went straight back to Junker Queen, landing me right in her arms. She grabbed my wrist, holding me up as her scatter gun's barrel pressed against my chest. "Guess you should of stayed with your team girl."

I watched her with complete fear as she grinned widely, the barrel of her gun moving up a bit, now pressed under my chin, making me look fully up at her, "take out your ear piece. Now." I nodded and reached up, pulling it out of my ear. "Drop it." I immedietaly dropped it onto the floor, her boot now stomping on it, smashing it into tiny pieces, completely unrepairable. "Now tell me your name." Her red eyes locking with mine, her pupils dilating at my state of fear. "R-Rookie-" "No! Your real name!" She snapped and pressed her gun harsher against my chin. "Okay, Okay! It's Robin!" She smirked and lowered her gun a bit, "see it wasn't that hard...Robin." She suddenly dropped me and chuckled, "now what do I do with you, you're just a little pest yet such a little waste of a worker. I could always take you wish me...make ya work for me aye?" I looked up at her with wide eyes, the woman's laughter now booming throughout the room.

As her eyes closed when she was laughing, I reached into my satchel that was still on my side, gripping onto my last flash bang. As I went to throw it at her, she grabbed my wrist again and yanked me up, "oh that's not happening again. Don't even try it." As she went to move her gun to being against me, I winked an clicked the top of the flash bang, it now stunning us both which caused her to drop me, covering her eyes. "God fucking dammit! You stupid girl!" I fell onto the ground and shook my head, rubbing my face roughly as my vision came back to me, I was quite use to my own flashbangs because well...I designed them myself. I took this chance to bolt out of the room, snatching her gun off her as she still staggered about, her grip on her gun had faltered enough for me to snatch it cleanly out of her hands. I made my way out of the building as I heard someone calling out my name outside. I ran off towards where the people called my name, Junker Queen eventually snapping out of her stunned state. "My fucking gun!"

I saw my team up ahead getting into the MV-261 Orca ship. Lena sighed with relief when she saw me but her eyes widened as she noticed the figure that was chasing me, "get back you little shit!" I turned around and fired the gun at Junker Queen, the recoil knocking me back a bit. As Junker Queen dived out of the way of the bullets, she grabbed off her axe from her back. I threw the gun into the Orca as it began lifting off the ground before throwing myself towards Jack who held out his hand to me. I reached out into the air, towards his hand, just missing it, my eyes flying wide at this. Luckily though his other hand grabbed my wrist as the Orca was fully off the ground. Just as he began pulling me up, I screamed out loudly in pain as a blade now landed right into my leg. Jack quickly yanked me up as the knife ripped itself out of my calf and flew back down to Junker Queen as she began cursing loudly when the Orca flew off from the area.

Jack dragged me over to Angela who rushed over, kneels down beside me with a medical kit as blood began pooling around at my leg, my cries echoing throughout the plane. Jack now covered my mouth as Angela began quickly yet carefully tending to my wound. Lena held onto my hands and kept talking to me to keep me awake as Angela worked her magic on me.

Back down on the ground, Junker Queen looked at her blade that dripped with blood, a small frown falling onto her face as the rest of her team eventually made it back to her. "She took my fucking gun. Looks like we have some new people to go after." She looked up at the ship that was now leaving her sight. "And I've got a little runt to deal with...oh it's going to be so much fun when we meet again." She laughed now and left with her group.

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