Chapter Three

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Jason was sitting at the bar, sipping on his bloody mary drink and taking in the serenity that the club gave him. It's funny how the club has become a place of relaxation for him. After the terrible argument he had with his father, this was the only way for him to get away from his crazy world. The loud pop music playing in the background always found a way to soothe his nerves, people dancing so carefree like they did not have a single problem in the world reminded him that there was a life beyond being an Analya and it was indeed beautiful.
Slowly, he began to feel the effects of the drink kick in, he was beginning to loosen up and decided that since he was here he could as well have fun and dance a little. He proceeded to the dance floor when from the corner of his eyes, he sighted this beautiful blonde in a short little red dress dancing terribly. She would have been the perfect example of an individual with two left feet on the dance floor.
He chuckled at her missteps. She was terrible but she did not seem to care.
The Old Jason would have most definitely made a move on her and attempted to take her to bed but how can he do that with this new burden bestowed on him. He has to be done with the playboy lifestyle now that he has become the leader of the Analya clan. He had a new responsibility to his people and they had expectations of him.
He abandoned the thought and was about to go to his seat when he noticed a man groping the blonde in a very disgusting manner.
How dare he do that to a woman?
The blonde tried her best to fight off the lunatic but the man was way bigger than her and as such, she didn't stand a chance. He watched her scream but the loud music drowned her voice.
He didn't want to get involved in humans matter because of the pact between the humans and his people but the fear in those piercing blue eyes wouldn't let him walk away.
Jason muttered to himself "Fuck it"
He started walking directly to where they were and as he approached the scene his blood began to boil. He was furious. He wanted to tear this vile man to pieces for disrespecting a lady. He dragged the man's arm off the blonde's body and pulled her behind himself.
"What's your problem man, can't you see I am trying to have some fun. If you want to have her, you just have to get in line", the man said.
At that point all sense of restriction had left Jason, he was most definitely going to kill him
His eyes became as red as the blood moon as he began to pound away at the face of this poor excuse of a man who thought it right to assault a lady. As he strangled the lad with his bare hands,  His anger rose and at that same intensity so did his power. All the hair on his skin stood and began to glow like shining sharp spikes, his bones began to break and his wings were slowly growing and trying to burst out of his shirt
The barbaric need to rip the heart out of this Man's chest was overwhelming
He knew he was changing into an Analya
He became worried
Jason muttered in a shaky voice "No, this can't be happening right now, there are humans around"
He tapped on his bracelet which triggered the chip at the back of his neck that sent a shot of electricity around his body and he fell to the ground.
He groaned in pain and the blonde tried to help him up. He was weak because he had just built up all that energy only to stop at its peak. He was also full of regret because he might have saved this beautiful blonde but he had just brought doom on his people.
The bouncers and manager finally came and questioned him before taking the other guy away.
"Are you Ok?", he heard from behind him and turned around
He had totally forgotten about the blonde. Now that the entire situation was cleared up, he had a better view of her. She was beautiful in every sense of the word. She was not very tall but those 6-inch stiletto heels added to her height. The way the dress hugged her figure brought out her curves. Out of everything, one thing that kept drawing him to her was those striking blue eyes that mimicked the clear blue sky. He felt the overwhelming need to protect her even though he knew that getting close to her would only bring trouble his way.
"I am fine, I hope you are not hurt as well", he said
"Apart from a couple of bruises from that psychopath, I am great", She responded rather cheerfully.
He nodded his head in agreement.
"She is fine, she is out of danger. There is no more need for me to still be talking to her. C'mon Man, pull yourself together we need to scram" He thought to himself.
" It's good to hear that you are alright. Just take care of yourself and watch out for psychopaths on the dance floor. Have a Goodnight Mi lady", Jason responded. He turned and was about to leave.
"Hey", The blonde said
Yes", Jason responded
"Well I would need someone to protect me from those crazy drunks," she said flashing him a smile
Jason was taken aback
"I'm joking. You should see your face right now. That was a terrible terrible cheesy thing for me to say, you should lighten up you know. You are way too serious. Anyways, don't I get to know the name of my saviour?". She said bursting into a peal of resounding laughter.
She looked even better when she laughed. Quirky but beautiful
How can someone look so content and full of life right after the whole incident that just transpired?
He wondered
Jason extended his hand saying  "Jason Analya, It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, milady"
She grabbed his hands in response to the handshake saying "Ok, someone's awfully polite and being such an English gentleman. I like that. The name's Daisy McCartney. I know I have been a lot of trouble this night and you probably were not expecting this air-headed blonde to come mess up your evening but there's something about you that's truly intriguing and I can't just place my finger on it. You have this mystery persona vibe and boy do I love myself some mystery. So would you like to grab a drink and chat for the remaining part of the night"
Jason was not expecting that at all. Daisy was not the weak, feeble damsel-in-distress. She was so much more. Bold, blunt and direct. Saying things the way she sees them and she sure as hell has a lot of character.
"First of all, you are not air-headed, never try to downplay yourself and most importantly I would like to have that drink" he responded, smiling.
"PERFECT" Daisy said
They both headed to the bar and ordered their drink
"So, do you go around saving girls being attacked in bars or do you have some other type of job?," Daisy asked
She was most definitely a fiery cracker.
"Well... Some would say I am a  people's protector. Honestly, I didn't want to save you cause I didn't really think it was my problem but then I just couldn't leave someone in need like that" Jason said
"What do you mean by someone in need. I was not in need, I was handling the situation very well before you jumped right in. " Daisy replied in a sassy tone
"Oh of course ... you were I could tell", Jason said while laughing
She flashed him a death stare
He readjusted himself and cleared his throat. Trying to act serious. He replied  "You were kicking his ass"
Daisy burst into laughter and said, "We both know that he clearly had me".
"I am so glad, nothing serious happened and I can finally joke..." Daisy was saying when her phone beeped
"Excuse me," Daisy said
She opened the message on her phone and her facial expression changed. She now looked sad and unsettled.
"I got to go," Daisy said as she frantically began to pack her stuff
"Is everything ok?", Jason asked
Her eyes finally met mine and he could see the hint of worry that had now clouded her eyes
"Thank you for everything Jason, you sure turned this crazy day around. I hope our paths cross again soon," Daisy said, quickly grabbing her phone from the bar table and heading for the door.
In a matter of seconds, she was gone
Her face now stuck in his mind
"Fuck", Jason said and puts his hand on his face.
It just dawned on Jason that he didn't even get her number.
He had an idea and quickly brought out his phone.
He typed on his Search Engine
"Fuck, I can't even remember her Last name" Jason yelled out
He closed the search engine and put the phone back in his pocket
How was he going to find her in this big city?
"You are such a fool", he said to himself and sighed
For a moment, her witty character was able to divert his attention from his impending worries but he damn well knew that he couldn't possibly have anything to do with a human female.
That would be like shooting himself in his leg.
The consequences were grave and worst he was now cursed.
Cursed to lead a people he wished he was never a part of.
His thoughts and worries were cut short when he heard a voice, not just any voice but his father's.
It was low and weak
"My son, fight for Analya and never give up ....", He heard.
He saw a vision of his father all covered in blood having four heavy metal chains clamped over his hands and his feet.
They were marks all over his body from the series of beatings he had received
Jason was mortified at the sorry state of his precious father
He shuddered
What's going on?
He had to do something and he had to do it now
He bolted out the club's door and into the alley
He created a portal heading for home and jumped through it.

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