Chapter Nine

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This New Nicholas was an absolute breath of fresh air. He was more thoughtful and considerate. Instead of yelling at her for minor mistakes, He encouraged her to improve on those faults. She now goes to work with a new unexplainable joy rather than the feeling of frustration she usually felt. He was now a lot easier to work with and even allows her to share her ideas on certain projects.
Who knew that her sudden outburst would change Nicholas so much for the better?
If she knew this would have been his reaction, she would have done it ages ago.
She felt so seen and heard not like a robot that was told what she had to do and how she had to do it. There are now days that they would sit in the office and talk for hours about matters of the company. She adored those little moments. He even had a goofy side and sure knew how to make her laugh. She has also gotten to know his quirky habits and beliefs in the time that they have spent together.
He liked to have a cup of cappuccino with lots of milk and sugar first thing in the morning because he believes that life should be sweet as a cup of coffee. He loves listening to Electronic music because he believes the groove always lifts his mood no matter how bad the day is. Sometimes she wondered why the bloggers described him as a scary business tycoon. He was nothing like that. He was always bubbly, never quiet and had something to say about everything. He was also absolutely not bad to look at.
Continue Daisy, keep fantasizing about your boss and see where that lands you
But how could she not?
This man has damn well shaken her world to its very core.
She chuckled at her thoughts and giggled like a high school girl.
"Can I share in the joke", she heard a voice say to her. She raised her eyes and saw Nicholas staring at her. She got up abruptly.
"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you", he smiled at her
"Oh no it's fine. I just didn't hear you come in", she responded
"Well I have some good news to share with you", he added.
"AMY HAS FINALLY WOKEN UP. The doctor said she cannot remember what happened to her day but that she is absolutely better.", Nicholas said
"Oh my God, that's such great news.", Daisy responded, grinning.
"Yeah, He also said that even though she is better she will still need a few days of rest after being in a coma for over two weeks.", Nicholas said
"Yeah", Daisy said.
As much as she was happy that Amy was alright. It did not make it any easier than her time with Jason was, unfortunately, coming to an end. She could not hide the sadness that now clouded her heart. She was going to miss him dearly.
As if he was reading her mind, Nicholas said "Since Amy's case has been brought to a close due to lack of evidence and Amy has finally woken up, I think it is time we celebrate and I want to do something special for my favourite staff", Nicholas said as he smiled mischievously
"Who's your favourite staff", Daisy asked trying to play dumb
"Well, she is very stubborn but still one of the smartest women I have come across. I took the liberty of making a reservation at La Vuisi restaurant for 8 pm. Please inform her to be ready at that time,  I am coming to pick her up", He said
"Yeah, I also ordered a dress and heels for her so she should also let me know if it is to her liking", he smiled sheepishly and walked right to his office
Daisy watched him leave in utter confusion. Her phone beeped, it was a message from Nicholas
"Don't rack your head too much, it's you silly. You are my favourite staff"
Her heart swelled with joy and she giggled some more.
In all honesty, he did not want her to stop being close to him but he knew that their relationship would most likely fail before it starts. For starters he was bearing the identity of another man, he also had too many secrets that he could not explain. All he wanted to do at this moment was to just be human and enjoy feelings as a man who loved another woman
The realization scared him as much as gave him the purest form of joy.
Am I making a mistake?
He brushed off the thought as quickly as it came. This night and this night only he just wants to be happy.

                           *                                *                             *
Nicholas arrived at Daisy's house at exactly 6:45 pm. Tonight he wanted to look his best. He was dressed in an all-black tuxedo, his hair sleeked back and wearing a nice cologne. He got out of the car and walked over to Daisy's house. One of the perks of being her boss was that he has access to employee's information
Including his beloved Daisy. She stayed in a quiet neighbourhood off fourth Avenue. As he walked to her doorstep, he enjoyed the cool breeze as well as the starry night. It kind of reminded him of home. Analya's sky was always filled with stars. His heart sank. These past few days, he hadn't gotten any strange happening.
What if I never find them?.
Focus Jason!
He took in a deep breath as he approached Daisy's front door. He knocked lightly. He heard some movements from inside and finally the door was opened revealing Daisy. Jason was mesmerized. She looked breath-taking. His mouth was left agape and his eyes travelled from her face down to her feet.
If he thought that red was her colour, he had no idea what was coming.
Daisy was putting on a black dress that had a sweetheart neckline and a deep v-cut along the chest area. It showed off her pale neck as well cleavages where the necklace he also got her rested. The gown hugged her curves not too tightly like a slut but like a woman embracing her body. She looked stunning.
She loved his reaction. She wanted nothing more
She cleared her throat to gain his attention
"Good evening Nicholas", Daisy said
"Good evening", He responded
"I hope you liked everything I picked out?", Nicholas asked
"Of course, Everything is just beautiful. Thank you, it means a lot", Daisy responded with a smile
"Well, you look absolutely stunning tonight", Nicholas said to her
"Thank you and you look dashingly handsome tonight", Daisy said trying to tease him. He laughed
"So shall we, mi lady", he said. She grabbed a coat from behind the door and put it on.  He stretched out his hands and she took them. They both walked back to his car hand in hand, smiling.

                                    *                      *                      *
After a splendid evening of laughter, food and Wine. It was finally time for Jason to take her home. He had to admit he had not had this much fun in a long while. It was such a shame that the evening had drawn to a close. It was a truly magical night but all good things must come to an end even truly beautiful nights.
He pulled up at her house. They both sat quietly in the car for a few minutes, just soaking up the memories of the night.
"Hey, thank you for a truly amazing night. I had fun. You were also the exquisite company.", Daisy said trying to break the awkward silence.
"Me too. I had fun too. It is such a shame we had to end it so quickly.  We, unfortunately, have the Jameson Client coming in tomorrow and We both need to get a goodnight's sleep to be able to handle them.", He said as he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, That reminds me I have some of the Jameson files at home so since you're here, you could as well pick it up", Daisy said.
What are you doing girl
Well call her crazy or being too forward but she just didn't want the night to end
"Mhmm... yeah sure", he responded.
They got down from the car and went to Daisy's apartment. 
Her apartment was nice and very modest but she sure had a thing for colours. The walls were painted bright colours with artsy-looking pieces of furniture to compliment it. It had an open concept so the kitchen, living room and dining area were all connected. There were no pictures of herself or her family in the living room which was quite strange.
"OK so make yourself at home, while I go get the files", Daisy said as she headed for her room. She came back with the files in her hands and handed them over to Nicholas.
"That's it. Everything you need is all there", Daisy said
"Alright, I should get out your hair then. Once again thank you for such a wonderful night", Nicholas said. He went in for a hug. The moment he wrapped his hands around her, he didn't want to let go. She also didn't move. She raised her head from his chest and looked into his eyes. He fiddled with her hair and caressed her cheeks. Her eyes closed shut at the feel of his hands against her skin and she let out a moan.
He pulled her closer to his body and kissed her. The kiss was deeply rooted in desire and passion. Her legs completely gave way and she leaned against him for support. She tasted so sweet. He picked her up and carried her like a newly-wedded bride to her room where they enjoyed a night of passion.

                                                *                     *                     *

It was the early hours of the morning when he woke up to a scraping sound at the window. He opened his eyes and looked over at Daisy and saw that she was still sleeping peacefully. His mind began to race. He did want a repeat of what happened to AMY
Did his demons follow him here?
How does he protect her?
He saw a strange shadow lurking in Daisy's room. He was petrified not for himself but for the beautiful damsel that laid beside him. He should have fortified this room.
"IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO PAY", a voice echoed loudly
"No", he screamed and Daisy woke up
"HELLO JASON", said a man who appeared sitting on one of the chairs in Daisy's room. Jason jolted. His eyes moved to where the voice came from.
"What do you want from me", Jason asked
The man laughed maniacally, got up from the chair and started walking in the direction of Daisy.  He didn't care if today was the day that Daisy finds out what he is. All he cared about in this moment and time was that he was going to keep her safe at all costs. He tried to use his powers but they were not working.
"That's just great. When I need this powers to work, they fucking don't" he cursed under his breath
"I swear if you so much as lay a finger on her, I will tear you to pieces", Jason screamed as his eyes turned red and the hair on his skin began to stand
The man laughed again
"Why would a father ever want to hurt his daughter", he responded in a distorted voice and caressed Daisy's hair lovingly
"DAUGHTER...", Jason repeated and turned to look at Daisy with so much hurt in his eyes.
Jason was dumbfounded.

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