Chapter Eight

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It's been an entire week since Amy's unfortunate accident occurred. The police are yet to make any reasonable headway in the case or even find any conclusive evidence. It was just like whatever or whoever attacked Amy disappeared into thin air and left no trace behind.
There was no murder weapon
There was no CCTV footage
There was no form of hair, blood or any piece of evidence that they can get a DNA sample on.
It was just all smoke screen.
The sad part was that despite the doctor's diagnosis of Amy, she was yet to wake up.
Poor Amy!.
Daisy's life has also been thrown in chaos ever since accepting the offer to work as Nicholas' Executive Assistant. After she informed Cullen about the offer she was made, he was more than happy to give her a whole month of sick leave he called it. She thought she would face some kind of punishment or at the very least be reprimanded but in his words
"This was a golden opportunity that we cannot pass up on. It is the closest we have ever gotten to work with the Sheffields. So whatever you need to butter Mr Sheffield up, You have to do it. Daisy make sure you don't screw this up", Mr Cullen said.
Yeah right, what else was she expecting a money-hungry, self-centred man to say? She really gave him much more credit than he actually deserved.
Life would be so much easier if Nicholas had a shred of humanity in him but no. He was a cold, stone-hearted man. He was just so hell-bent on making her life miserable. It was like he had some kind of grudge against her that he was making her pay for. Nothing she did was ever good enough no matter her hard she tried  but that did not stop her from trying, hoping that one day he will come around and value her work. It didn't help that her office was close to his, so he beckoned on her whenever he pleased like she was some kind of help.
Does she really have to put up with his terrible attitude?
He is so annoying.
She was currently standing in front of his door with his cup of cappuccino in one hand and a set of files in another at 6:30 am.
Who bloody goes to work by 6:30 am?.
Well her hands were full, so she used her foot to kick against the door.
"Don't you know how to knock", She heard him say from the other side of the door. She pushed it open and walked in
"I am sorry sir, My hands were full", Daisy managed to say trying to look as sorry as she could.
"Have you finished with writing the report on Last month's sale", Nicholas asked staring her down like a lion about to pounce on its prey.
"Well... I... am...yet to finish it", Daisy stammered as she tried to explain.
"Then what the hell are you still doing here, Get a move on it", Nicholas yelled.
Daisy hastened her steps to put down the coffee and files in her hands when she tripped on a cord close to his desk. Nicholas caught her in his arms while the cup of coffee went flying in the air. It got spilt everywhere as well as the files scattered all over the office. She clutched tightly to his white shirt with her eyes closed shut.
She slowly opened her eyes and their eyes met. she caught a glimpse of this monster. For a second he almost looked human. His breath was heavy on her face. She also got a glimpse of his toned muscles peeking from his shirt. Being so close to him made her skin tingle and all she wanted to do was to lean in close and catch a whiff of his perfume. This man smelled heavenly. She felt safe in his hands and momentarily all her anger and frustration seemed to wash away. He ran his hands slowly through her hair and caressed her face. All her senses were on fire.
How can touch from one man make her feel this way?
She could possibly be imagining this but the way he was looking at her was like the way a man looked at a woman he desired.
It was like they were both in a trance.
His eyes moved from her eyes down to her lips.
Was it crazy that she wanted him to kiss her badly?.
He cleared his throat and released her. She crashed hard into the floor.
"Are you blind or do you just enjoy being clumsy. You always make a mess of things. Can't you just do a simple task?", Nicholas screamed at her
She felt her anger rising. She was really going to give him a piece of her mind now. She had had enough of his despicable attitude. She has put up with a lot from him but she will not allow him to disrespect her.
How dare he?
How cruel can somebody be?
Who the hell does he think he is?
"I have very well done everything you've asked me to do with precision and without complaints. Even the ridiculous and outrageous tasks you have given to me, I have delivered on every single one of them. You asked me to resume by 6:30 am when the actual resumption for all staff was 8:30 am and yet I still close by 10:00 pm. After closing hours, I have a bunch of files to attend to which is the account officer's job and not mine but still, I don't complain and go right ahead to do it. You have absolutely no right to treat me like trash because I made one mistake. I know that you are the CEO of this company and I am here because I want to handle your ad campaigns but you should not capitalize on that to treat me like a slave. If this is what working for your grouchy, sadist ass feels like well then I QUIT", she said all in one breath and stormed off.
When she got to her cubicle, she was shaking.
What have I done?
I just threw my only chance of getting the account out the window.
Should I go back and grovel?, Maybe he will take me back, she thought as she panicked at the consequences of her action.
Cullen would kill me.
It's been only a week and I have gone ahead to insult the Nicholas that everybody is dying to work with.
"I am such a fool. This is what you get for opening that big mouth of yours", She said as she screamed into her hands. She wasn't only upset at the fact that she just lost her shot at her dream job but a part of her heart ached that she might never also get to see Nicholas again.

          *                           *                                   *
Jason paced up and down his office. He was driving a hole through the floor with all his pacing.
Was he too hard on her?
Was he just scared of the feelings he was developing for her?
Anytime he was close to her, all he wanted to was kiss her. He had to develop this ill-mannered persona to cover up the feelings he secretly harboured for her. He wanted her far far away from himself. He wanted to not feel the feelings or even be attracted to her. He felt guilty for thinking such things in the first place most especially with the disappearance of his family and people. It has been over a week since the incident and till now he has not heard the strange voices from that night, nor has he had such strange encounters.
He has searched every inch of Nicholas' house for clues but still has found nothing.
He is only able to put up with the guilt and pain when he sees her.
Oh Daisy What spell have thee cast on me?
Anytime she walks into the room, the atmosphere is filled with her perfume. Her perfume was intoxicating. Her confidence and strength as a woman were one of the many things he admired about her.  No matter what antics he threw her way, she always had a solution and she did it with so much passion. He often stole glances at her from his office and there was nothing more sexy to him than seeing a woman work hard. She faced everything that came her way headstrong, never running away from a problem or backing down from a fight.
Today he was able to hold her, her skin was so delicate. Having her so close definitely did a number on him. The magnetic pull between them was something so much stronger than even his powers. The facade of the monster he created was a tool he was using to guard his heart but he couldn't help it. The more he tried to push her away, the more he realized he was falling for her.
How could he love when he was chained to the shackles of his obligations?
Losing his family was one thing but he couldn't destroy her life too.
He couldn't be with her but he could  help her get the role she has been working hard for
He may not be able to get the girl but he sure as hell would help her dreams.
He smiled to himself and headed for Daisy's office
As he approached her desk, he saw her clearing out her things from the desk
"Daisy", he called out to her softly. She turned around and her eyes were filled with tears. He walked very quickly to where she was standing. She didn't fight him but just buried her head in his chest. She couldn't tell if it was out of frustration or fear but all she knew was that she felt safe whenever she was with him. He wrapped his hands around her waist and slowly began to pat her back. The tears she had been holding back began to flow freely. It reminded her of the night she met Jason and how he made her feel safe.
As she cried, Jason's heart ached for the amount of pain he caused her. He held her tightly wanting to relieve her of all the burden she was carrying. They said nothing to each other and stayed like that for a few minutes till Daisy stopped crying. She sniffled and pulled away from his hold. Her eyes were puffy and red.
"I am sorry for how I treated you today and for every other time that I might have been nasty to you. I would never intentionally want to hurt you, I have just been under so much pressure Daisy. Please forgive me", Jason said apologetically
Daisy sniffled and responded, "It's all good, I appreciate the fact that despite being my boss, you are still able to own up to your mistakes". She said as she tried to smile
"And again I also do not accept your resignation. I see the work that you do and I can attest to how much of an asset you have been to this company. I want you to continue working with us or better still working for me till we can figure out the status of the position you originally wanted. So can I please have my Executive Assistant back, I really need her here", Jason added
Was she hearing right? This was the first time that Nicholas had said something positive to her since she started working here. She couldn't help but smile. Her heart swelled with joy.
"Yes, I will continue working for you", she replied with a big smile. She literally couldn't be any happier.
"Don't worry this time, I promise to treat you right and give you the maximum respect you deserve as an employee", Jason said
She looked at him dumbfounded
Did he hit his head or something?
Is this the same Nicholas of like 10 minutes ago or what?
It was like Nicholas was a whole new person but for whatever reason, he was now being nice to her. She was going to take it.
"Thank you sir", she responded.

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