Chapter Seven

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"Let's talk in the hallway", Amy said to Nicholas with a serious look on her face.
"After You", Nicholas responded.
There was no way in hell he was letting Daisy work with them. She was just too much trouble.
Amy opened the door and walked into the hallway with Nicholas following her closely. She stopped and turned around.
"I know you have never liked the idea of working with outsiders when it comes to matters of marketing but that lady in there can be great for PR. She is bold and tenacious. That's the kind of driven and innovative people we need. We don't even need to sign a long-term contract. We just need to strike while the iron's hot.", Amy said in a bid to convince Nicholas.
Nicholas was silent just staring at Amy.
Something is wrong.
Nicholas' eyes moved from Amy to the light flickering across the hallway. His heart rate increased rapidly. His chest tightened.
He was experiencing the strange feeling he had when he first got to the ball.
"Trã lisì å vïd, þien iva la qűĕsti", He could hear the whispers from earlier again.
His eyes searched the hallway but he could not see anything.
It was like someone or something was coming.
Suddenly he spotted a footprint of blood heading their direction. The stain of blood on the carpet was getting closer, and so was the whisper getting louder.
"Murderer", the voices began screaming
"Ok, look at the numbers of engagements and conversions we have had. Since the videos of you helping out another individual. Social media is going crazy over the whole issue. People already see you as cold-hearted and not considerate. They feel this whole fundraiser is a ploy to maintain a positive image but this totally changes the narrative", Amy said while showing Nicholas her phone and trying to get his attention.
Nicholas pulled Amy behind him.
"Stay here", he said and let go of her arm. He slowly began to walk in the direction of the voices. The hallway was now covered with a cloud of heavy thick smoke. He squinted his eyes so that he could get a glimpse of whatever creature was lurking. His eyes changed colour to a deep red and he began murmuring a fortification spell
"Tì ğèlâ bòñ a lą qui", he chanted.
The smoke got closer and closer until he finally saw a face.
His face turned pale and his eyes widened
"M....o....M", He managed to say.
The smoke cleared out to reveal a ghost of Jason's dead mother.
"Why did you do this to me", she responded with tears flowing from her eyes.
"What are you talking about mom", Jason said as he stretched his hands to touch her face.
The ghost began to cackle
"Now face the consequences", she said and her face began to change into a monster. It grabbed Jason by the neck and threw him hard against the wall.
Jason winced in pain.
"Now watch me take away everything you love", It said in a distorted voice and smiled devilishly at Jason
Amy was shaking like a leaf. She felt like her feet were rooted to the ground and her lips sealed shut.
She couldn't move
Goddamn it
She couldn't even make a sound
The monster turned and looked at her and laughed wickedly. It dashed at lightning speed
"NO........", Jason screamed as he dived to protect Amy but the monster was faster. It drove its claws through Amy's chest and stomach region.
Amy screamed and fell to the ground.
The creature disappeared and the lightning in the hallway returned to normal.
Jason hurried over where Amy was. He quickly applied pressure on the wound. Amy was gasping for air. Daisy came out from the room, bursting into the scene
"What happened?", Daisy asked in horror
"Call 911...", Nicholas screamed at her
Daisy hurried back to the dressing room to get her phone and make the call.
"I won't let anything happen to you", Nicholas whispered in Amy's ears. We raised his head and placed his index fingers and thumb on the wound and began reciting a spell
"Ìĺ vğe tom ppu sjì il von", Jason recited, his eyes began to bleed and his fingers began to glow. He ran his fingers across the wound, the blood from his eyes dropped into the wound and it started closing up till he covered the whole length and breadth of the wound. He stopped the recitation and wiped off the residue of blood on his face. Amy was still unconscious but he knew she would be fine.
"I have made the call, they are on their way but can you first tell me what happened", Daisy said horrified at the sight of blood
How does he explain to her that some mystical creature disguised as his mother did this?
She wouldn't understand
She was just human
I need to think of something and I need to think of it fast.
"I don't know... I just left her for a second cause I saw a shadow. I turned my back for one second and when I looked back she was on the floor", Said Jason as he tried his best to give an explanation which did not sound ridiculous but there was no way around it.
Daisy just stared at him as she couldn't make any sense of what he just said.
The blaring of the siren filled the building in a matter of seconds as the Ambulance arrived.
"They are here, I am going to direct them to come in through the back door to avoid the eyes of the press. Don't worry I already talked to them about the situation and convinced them to be discreet. I just hope Amy's Ok", Daisy said and left to go get the paramedics.
The paramedics bolted in with all their pieces of equipment. One of the paramedics checked her pulse to know if she was still alive. After that, they put a cast around her neck and placed her on the stretcher. Nicholas and Daisy followed the paramedics as they left the scene.
As they got outside the building, They headed straight into the ambulance and drove off.
In the Ambulance, Daisy kept stealing glances at him. She looked at him strangely.
Did she think he was capable of doing this?.
Pfftt, she must be damn well outta her mind.
His phone began to ring, and Thomas was calling. He accepted the call
"I was just informed about what had happened?, how's Amy is she ok?, Are you ok?", he babbled
"Calm down Thomas, We are currently on our way to the hospital and are yet to get a diagnosis on her health status but for now all we know is she's stable", said Jason
"Alright, Dad and I are heading down there right now", Thomas Added
"We can't all be at the hospital, I need you more at that party than here at the hospital. The media cannot get a whiff of the information that has occurred or else they would make a bloody mess out of the situation. I have no one else that I can truly trust except you. So please handle things over there my friend", Jason said
"Alright, I understand. Just keep me posted. Dad and I will ensure that everything runs smoothly over here", Thomas responded
"Thanks, Man", Jason said
"You are basically my brother so you don't even have to ask. I have your back Now and always. Just take care of yourself and Amy", Thomas said
"Will do", Jason replied and ended the call
The journey to the hospital was a very swift one and within 10 minutes. They were there. The Nurses were already waiting at the entrance and once they brought Amy out of the Ambulance, they whisked her quickly into the emergency room.
Daisy was nervously pacing back and forth in the waiting area while Nicholas was sitting quite calmly. They did not say a word to each other.
Two detectives soon arrived at the hospital to question Nicholas and Daisy from the New York Metropolitan Police station.
"Good evening sir, Good evening Ma", one of the detectives asked
"Good evening", They both responded
"My name is Detective Park and here with me is my colleague Detective Sander", Detective Park said while also pointing at Detective Sander
"I know now is not a good time but we would like to ask you a few questions", Detective Park said
"Sure go ahead", Nicholas Said
"So I understand that you were hosting your annual charity ball before the unfortunate accident that occurred. So can you tell me what happened leading up to the accident", Detective Sander chipped in
Nicholas narrated everything that occurred in regards to Daisy's fall, the argument and his version of what happened to Amy that he had told Daisy.
"Ok, So you did not see the attacker's face?", Detective Park asked
"No, The place was covered with thick smoke. I could barely see anything", Nicholas responded.
"Do you know if Amy had issues with anyone that probably would want to get back at her?", Detective Sanders asked
"None that I know of", Nicholas replied.
"Judging from the pool of blood at the crime scene. The attacker must have used a weapon. Did you probably see any weapon at the crime scene?", Detective Park asked.
"I was too confused to notice anything within the surroundings. I was just focused solely on making sure Amy was alright", Jason responded. The Detectives watched his reactions to their questions to see if he was telling the truth or not.
"Alright then, That will be all.This is our card. In case you remember anything, it could be the smallest clue. Please do not hesitate to call us", Detective Park said as he handed the card to Nicholas.
"And remember you are not allowed to leave the country during the period of the investigation", Detective Sander included.
"Sure thing", Jason responded
"Thank you for your time and cooperation. We would be in touch", Detective Park said as he firmly shook Nicholas.
"Sorry, Are you the ones who brought Mrs Amy Lewanski in", the doctor cut in. Jason and Daisy turned around almost immediately to focus on the doctor. The detectives were also there.
"Yes, how is she?", Jason asked looking distraught as he held the hands of the doctor
"Well, I have never seen this happen in all my years of practising medicine. The initial prognosis was that she incurred a couple of broken ribs as well as puncturing to some of the organs but after moving her to the theatre to perform surgery. We did another scan before the surgery just to confirm the initial prognosis and to my amazement, it was like nothing happened to her. There were no broken bones, no bleeding. Nothing...", the doctor spoke in astonishment.
Daisy and Nicholas exchanged looks
"Bottomline is that she is perfectly fine but due to the fall, she hit her head hard. That caused her to have head trauma and so she is currently in a coma. So we still need to keep her under observation. Going by her speedy recovery, we are sure that in no time she would be out of coma", the doctor added.
"Thank you, Doctor", Jason said.
"Well don't thank me cause I sure as hell had nothing to do with her recovery. Her recovery is still very well a mystery to me too.", The doctor responded
"Doc, Can we speak to you for a moment?", Detective Park cut in
"Well sure. Let's go to my office.", the doctor responded. The officers left with the doctor.
"Thank the heavens, Amy is going to be alright", Daisy let out a sigh of relief.
Jason's phone continuously kept beeping. He brought it out of his pocket and saw he had a series of messages and appointments for Nicholas to attend to. Amy was such a big help as she already sent him his schedule for a month but still, he knew he still needed an assistant. He was so deep in thought that he didn't hear Daisy talking to him.
"Hey, Mister...", Daisy said as she tapped Nicholas on the shoulder.
"Yes", Jason replied
"Now that we know Amy is out of danger, I will be heading home. Once again sorry for the inconvenience. I wish I could stay to help out more but I can see there's nothing more for me to do here.", Daisy said with a sympathetic tone as she grabbed her things from the chair.
It's like the thought hit him like lightening.
If he were to hire an assistant now, it would take time to train the person to handle the matters of the company but Daisy already has experience even though not as an assistant but he would have to give it to her. She knows damn well how to think on her feet.
"Daisy, I have a proposition for you ", Nicholas said
"Yeah... What proposition", she turned around to face him
"I need a personal assistant for the duration that Amy would be in the hospital and I think you are a perfect fit", Nicholas said.
"Me??", Daisy asked absolutely shocked
"Well, I know your job description is not exactly that of an assistant but I have seen you in action and I know you can handle dicey situations really well. You are a thinker and a problem solver which I really do need now", Jason said watching her reaction
She was too surprised to speak.
"We don't know exactly when Amy will wake up", Daisy managed to say.
"I understand your worry, you will just have to work for me for a month. If by that time Amy has not woken up, I would make arrangements for another assistant", Nicholas assured her
"Don't worry you will be well compensated for your time and if for the time you work for me I see significant growth in the company then I will give you the account to handle our marketing.", Nicholas added with a smile plastered on his face
How am I gonna survive an entire month stuck with this grouchy, rude man?
But then again there is a great chance that I get to handle the marketing of one of the top diamond companies in the world?
The money, the prestige, the fact that she gets to rub it in Cullen's face.
This would just be a sacrifice that would reap major benefits
Just Do it, girl!!!
"So do we have a deal?", Nicholas asked. He extended his hand
She hesitated for a moment
"Deal", she said and shook his hand

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