Chapter Six

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The day went by rather quickly with the series of meetings Nicholas had to be a part of. Thank God the guy was a freaking CEO who had a team of skilled professionals working for him and all he had to do was to approve certain projects if not he would have most definitely made so many costly mistakes.
I really hope I don't crash this company by the time Nicholas regains his body, Jason thought to himself as he gathered his things or better still Nicholas' things to leave the office
By the end of the day, Jason was exhausted. He barely had a break
Is this guy a freaking machine?
Doesn't he know what it means to have fun or possibly take a break?
There wasn't even time for him to complain as he was already dressed and on his way for the 'ALMIGHTY MASQUERADE BALL' that everyone has been talking about since he occupied this body. He was accompanied by Thomas and Mr Davenport in a luxurious limousine.
Even as royalty he rarely got to enjoy such luxury as the royal means of transportation back home at Analya was still by horses and carriages.
The limousine came to a halt at the venue for the ball. Jason peeked out the window of the car and saw that they were numerous reporters and journalists swarmed around the limousine.
"These journalists are supposed to be here for the event. Why can't they just focus on that and stop trying to get some kind of story on you. For Pete's sake, not everybody is interested in having their lives in magazines and blogs for people to interpret however they feel like.", Thomas complained bitterly as his brows furrowed into a worried look. He noticed the nervousness on Nicholas' face and placed his hand on Nicholas' hand to offer some kind of support.
" Don't worry Nicholas we have security staged right out the door so you have got nothing to worry about. Today will turn out great", he said trying to calm Nicholas down and squeezing Nicholas's hands to reassure him.
"Your father would be so proud of you. Never forget we will be with you every step of the way.", Mr Davenport added and lightly patted his shoulder.
"Thank you guys, let's go", Jason said.
They put on their masks and all got out of the limousine, the reporters gathered them, all asking questions at the same time but the security was able to pave a way for them to get into the venue.
The building was beautifully decorated with such a whimsical feel to it. Immediately Jason stepped into the ballroom, his nostrils were hit with a distinct smell. The room was heavy with a cloud of thick green smoke. Jason started to feel very light-headed. He could also feel the gusty wind blow into the room and he could hear whispers calling out to him in old Arillian Language
"Tră lîsî æ vïd, tįën īva lq§", cried the voice repeating the words continuously
Jason looked around to see what was beckoning to him.
The voice getting louder and closer.
He felt a hand lightly placed on his shoulder, he turned around and gripped it like a lion about to pounce on its prey.
"Sir, it's me", said a lady in a blue dress as she proceeded to take off her mask
The voices stopped
He loosened his grip on her hand
"I am so sorry about that", Jason apologized.
"Amy, so good to see you", Thomas cut in as he hugged her.
"Tommy, it's been forever. You little scoundrel, you finally decided to come home", she said as she squeezed him tightly.
"Anyways I'm here to steal the boss, we got a lot to do tonight. So see you guys around ", Amy added.
"It's fine Sir but we need to get a move on it. We have a lot of ministers and people from the white house here tonight. We need to get a sizable donation from those lots", she said as she pulled his arm.
Who was that?
How do they know the ancient Language?
How did they find him?
Analyas were not allowed in the human world except for the royals or was he wrong?
He needs to get to the bottom of this but first, he had to continue playing his role as Nicholas and keep a low profile.
Nicholas was not good with names and faces so his life-saving executive assistant Amy was there to provide information about various guests. She was very talkative and full of energy. She also was very organized and he could see the reason why Nicholas hired her.
This was a great deal of help for Jason as he proceeded to go greet the guests.
                   *                        *                        *
As Daisy got her ticket scanned in, she pondered over her plan of getting in contact with Mr Nicholas Sheffield.
"You may go in, Ma'am", the security said as she gestured for her to go in. She put on her mask
Well, it's now or never Daisy.
So first, I have to find him somehow.
She needed to come up with a plan and she needed to come up with a plan fast.
She walked through the ballroom, scanning the room to see if she could find Nicholas but of course, the fact that everyone was putting on a mask made her search a lot harder. She finally spotted him speaking to the Minister of Justice at the far corner end of the room.
Good, she found him but how the hell was she going to speak to him
It's not like the security team would let her get any close to him without an appointment.
An idea finally popped in her head.
"Well Mr Nicholas you will just have to hear me tonight", Daisy muttered to herself as she smiled mischievously. She stopped a waiter and asked, "Please, Can I have a glass of champagne".
"Here you go, Ma'am", the waiter said. He removed an already filled glass of bubbly champagne from his tray and handed it over to her
"Thank you very much", she responded
Daisy began walking briskly in the direction of where Nìcholas was. She swayed her hip from side to side as she walked slowly to him. Her eyes scanned through the room. Her mind made calculations of her next course of action and when she got a few meters away from where they were, she kicked her heels. She lost her balance, tripped and fell. As her body came tumbling down and crashing to the ground so did her glass which shattered as well. The sound from the shattering of the glass caused everyone to turn around in her direction.
Including her target NICHOLAS SHEFFIELD.
She yelled out to draw more attention
Nicholas as well as the security team rushed over to where she was. Nicholas tried to help her up
"Are you alright ma'am", Nicholas asked in a worried tone. The security tried to take over from him but his assistant stopped them in their tracks. The security beckoned a waiter to help clean up the shattered glass.
She winced and yelped as Nicholas tried to touch her leg.
"You must have sprained your ankle from the fall, It's Ok. I can help you to a seat" Nicholas said as he lifted her off the ground. She clenched tightly to his shirt and laid her head on his chest. The press and guests were taking pictures and making videos of the scene.
At that moment, he didn't appear like the scary business tycoon that everyone made him out to be. He was just a man helping out another human being.
He seemed somewhat human.
Thank God for the mask or else this would have been a very embarrassing moment for her especially having to cause such a scene in front of such dignitaries. She could as well kiss her career goodbye.
She wanted his attention
She sure as hell had it
She just had to keep acting a little longer.
He took her into one of the dressing rooms with his assistant right following closely behind them. He placed her gently on a seat and started checking her injured leg to ensure again that all was well with her.
"Are you Ok, Ma'am?", He asked again
"Yeah, I am feeling much better. Sorry that my clumsy self cause such commotion here tonight. I feel so ashamed", she said as she took off her mask
"You don't have anything to worry.....", he was saying until he took a good look at her
"", he said slowly
Their eyes locked and for a moment it was as if Daisy would see tenderness and care in his eyes
Daisy was extremely shocked
Am I hallucinating?
How did a business mogul like himself know her name?
Before she could get a word in his assistant pulled him aside.
"This is great sir, I give it to you. You are a genius. Whatever marketing stunt this is, social media is eating it up. Donations are pouring in from all over the world. We have passed our target and we are still getting more. You are being seen as a hero", Amy said in excitement
Nicholas was utterly confused
"This is not a ploy, Amy. I only helped her because she needed help. Nothing more", said Nicholas in disgust at the fact that Amy was trying to trivialize his help for some cheap marketing ploy.
Daisy could not help but overhear their conversation or rather she had her ears glued in their direction.
This is her chance.
"Well, If I may. I know how to build on this. I specialize in managing social media as well as creating marketing strategies to push products into the market. If you allow me work on this for you. I promise you that your returns would be massive. The hashtags and reposts from tonight would send social media into a frenzy and we need to ride on that wave", Daisy said very quickly.
"I also know your company runs your marketing in-house but this would be a great way to see things with new eyes and a fresh perspective", Daisy added clenching her dress in anticipation. With the current opportunity on the ground, Daisy felt it was best to table the question about her name for later.
Nicholas and Amy looked at themselves and back at Daisy.
I can't afford to be close to her
It would be too much trouble
Just get rid of her and remain focused on your quest
Jason battled within himself
"With the way you are speaking one would think that you had this planned all along and this was not a mere accident", he snarled at her
"I am sorry but we run our marketing in-house and we don't give that account to strangers. Besides I never told you that there was an opening at the company, so I don't why you are pitching to me at a fundraiser.", Jason snapped
Daisy was taken aback by his response
"Can you give us a moment", Amy said to Daisy as she placed her hand on Nicholas' shoulder
"Let's talk in the hallway", Amy now spoke to Nicholas. Nicholas gave Amy a stare down and sighed.
They both left Daisy in the room. Daisy got up from the chair and fixed her ear at the door to hear them decide her fate. To her surprise, Amy was defending this crazy idea but Nicholas was dead silent. This went on for a good ten minutes until She couldn't hear any voices coming from the other side of the door.
Suddenly, She heard Amy scream and Daisy rushed out the door
She saw Amy was on the ground.
Nicholas was slouched over her with blood all over his hands.
He was shaking terribly.

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