Chapter 5: Friends?

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Leah: Please Talk to me...I know I haven't all day but please hear me out, I will explain it all

Olivia: Look Leah yes I might be a little bit mad that you didn't talk to me at all even when we were in our shared room but I understand that we haven't really been getting on since ive been here... I understand you don't want me here, I can move rooms if its really a problem with yo-

Leah: What no don't move rooms! I actually want to speak about how ive been treating you since you've joined

Olivia: Okay, do you want to go somewhere private?

Leah: Yeah could we go to the dinner hall

Olivia: Sure

No conversation was made while they both walk to the dinner hall but it wasn't either a tense or peaceful was an awkward one...eventually they both got there and sat at a table with two sits.

Olivia: Sooo why have you been treating me like this?

Leah: The real reason why I have been acting like this is because whenever im around you I get shy I don't know why but the only reason why I might be shy is because I could be maybe....

Leah didn't speak for a few seconds tho she was trying to get the word out but just couldn't

Olivia: Leah spit it out, I won't storm off whatever you say ill talk it out

Leah: I could be maybe scared of you...

Olivia: Leah why would you be scared off me?

Leah: Remember our match when we versed you in the final of the fa cup and we had that argument on the pitch well I think it might be because of that

Olivia giggled and stood up from her chair, Leah thought the worse and thought Olivia was leaving and put her head down in sadness , Olivia stop at Leah's chair

Olivia: Leah

Leah looked up

Leah: Yeah

Olivia: Get up

instantly Leah got up and just stood awkwardly facing Olivia, Olivia put her hands around Leah's neck and start to hug Leah, it took Leah a few seconds to realise what was going on but after finding out was was going she hugged Olivia back

Olivia's pov:

I could feel Leah's body relax against mine, we stood like that for a while not talking just standing in a now peaceful silence, I had a huge smile on my face, finally I figured out why me and Leah weren't speaking to each other and it was now resolved. I started to pull away from the hug

Olivia: Friends?

Leah: Of course

we start to walk back to our room chatting about the game that we had tomorrow.

Leah's pov:

i'm walking back with Olivia to our room and I'm so happy to finally resolved the tension, expected one thing...the unknown feeling I have for her, but we will have to push them aside for now its still to early in the friendship and I don't want to ruin so soon into the friendship...

I feel asleep the best that night...

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