Chapter 23: The Other Girl

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Me and Leah are currently having a disagreement about who takes the most of the blanket in the night as we are leaving the hotel room, Leah is full on trying to argue her side while im laughing my head off at the silly argument, which Leah doesn't appreciate " no olly its not funny" Leah said shutting the door of our hotel room " LENA" I screamed running away from Leah and towards lena, who I didn't know was here, I jumped on top of her hoping she would catch me which she didn't causing both of us to fall to the floor, after a few minutes of laughing I got up and pulled lena up, Leah was now by my side and pulled lena in for a hug, I smiled at the two of them happy that they didn't have any bad blood boiling " hey lena how are you?" Leah asked " good just taking my stuff up to my room" lena replied pointing at her bag " no way your staying here, we all have to go in the pool tonight" I said excited, the two girls nodded and me and Leah made our way into the dinning hall

We had just finished training which was intense to say the least but I enjoyed it very much, I was sat in my cubby in the locker room on my phone " Hey both Beths, do you want to come with me and Leah we are going to the pool with lena from the Germany team?" I asked looking up at the two Beths who were talking " yeah sure" Bethany E said " alright perfect", I made my way up to mine and Leahs room, Leah sat on her phone on the bed, I walk up to her and kissed her on her lips " hey babe, enjoy practice?" I asked making my way into the bathroom " yeah it was good, tho I enjoyed looking at you training a lot more" she replied walking into the bathroom with a smirk " oooo do I need to inform sarina about that?" I teased back " no, no need" Leah said smiling and kissing my cheek " what are you wearing to the pool?" Leah said walking out of the bathroom and going over to MY suitcase " sports bra and football shorts, anyways get out of my suitcase you've got enough clothes that are mine already" I said looking through the mirror and seeing Leah look like a dear being seen by a human " how did you know?" Leah said still looking through my suitcase for clothes, I walked out of the bathroom and snuck up behind her " because I can see through walls" I said pulling her away from my suitcase, Leah let out a squeal and started to laugh " no you can't your not superman" Leah replied turning in my arms "are you sure?" I teased back, letting go of Leah so she could get some clothes for the pool, I went and laid on the bed and watched Leah find something to wear " you like to show of your little abs don't ya" Leah teased looking up from her suitcase with a smirk " Little?" I teased back with one eyebrow up

Shit,shit,shit the worse thing that could of happened just happened, I was making my way back to the hotel room by my self when I got pushed against the wall and pulled into a kiss, I thought it was Leah that's why I let it happen when I pulled away I realised it wasn't Leah it was...lena, I ran up to my room and started to pace back and fourth in the room, do I tell Leah or do I not? could this ruin our relationship? I promised her nothing was gonna happen between me and lena and now look what has happened! I had my back to the door when Leah walked in, when I turned around she had the happiest smile on her face, my sad face dropped even more, I ran up to Leah and just gripped onto her burring my head into her neck " im so sorry" I said into her neck.....

cliff-hanger ;)

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