Chapter 29: Resolved...Or Was It?

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There was a knock on the door " Don't get mad but le-" Jill tried to say " Olivia let me in" Leah cut in still knocking on the door, I pushed myself off Jill and ran straight for the bathroom "Where is she?" I winced at how angry Leah sounded " she's not here Leah, she saw your message and stormed out of the room" Jill tried to convince Leah " well why is her phone and jumper still here then" Leah said walking towards Jill, who was was walking backwards trying to avoid Leah, I opened the bathroom door faster than I had closed it " Leah stop now!" I said in a stern voice, Leah whipped round to face me " ill leave you two to talk" Jill said quickly exiting the room " what Jill no you can't do that" I begged Jill but she was already out of the room, I turned around so I was facing Leah slowly, who looked she was gonna explode with anger " WHY" she shouted, I moved back a step to put a little bit more distance between us " Leah calm down...please" I begged her, Leah went and sat on the end of the bed I just stood where I was "I don't get it Olivia, why would you keep it away from me?" Leah asked a lot more calmer "because I never thought about it before, me and Mapi's relationship, if you can even call it that, wasn't like yours and mine, hers was just about hook ups and we never ever really got to see each other, the only time we did was when she wanted to hook up" I answered truthfully "but I don't get it you had the chance to tell me about her but you decide not to so I had to ask ona" Leah carried on to question " I was gonna tell you just not right now, so much has happened in the last 2 weeks adding this to it, I thought it would be to much" I answered truthfully again, I went and sat down next to her " and to be honest she was my first " girlfriend" but I don't see her like that I just saw her as someone to hook up with" I said looking up at Leahs eyes " so does that mean..." Leah once again questioned " yes that means your my first girlfriend" I said with a smile which Leah returned, I let out a deep breathe I didn't know I was holding

Jill walked back into the room, " everything okay?" she asked " yeah, thanks for looking after her Jill"Leah said hugging Jill " its okay, she's my little sister, ill always look after her" she said pulling out of the hug and looking at me " now little one, no more secrets okay, tell Leah everything, she won't judge and your perfect for each other" Jill said pulling me into a hug "thanks Jillie, sorry for being a pain at the start of tonight" I said pulling back out of the hug "what do you mean" Leah asked confused "she wanted to go down to the gym for the punching bag but after finding her last time at arsenal I didn't think it was a good idea, so instead of going to the punching bag she decided to use my wall" she said pointing at the hole in the wall " I said I was sorry" I protested, Leah let out a giggle " come on let me get you back to our hotel" Leah said, I pulled Jill into one more big hug while Leah picked up my phone I pulled out of the hug and saw Leah was staring at my phone " you alright?" I said to Leah picking up my jumper " huh umm yeah fine, come on lets go" Leah said softly

We got back to the hotel and started to watch a movie, Leah was laying on top of me with one of my jumper on messing around with one of my hands while I was messing around with her baby hairs on her neck, " im going to the toilet" Leah said getting up and kissing me before going into the bathroom, I took this time to text Jill to say thank you, I swiped off the chat still on the app to see that Mapi had text me at 6 pm which meant that it was when I was at jills room with Leah, its weird I never remembered Mapi texting me and I would off replied if someone would have text me, Leah came out of the bathroom with a smile on her face, that's when I put it together Leah had opened the message while she must have been collecting my phone, she laid back where she was and continued to play with my hand while watching the movie, I couldn't focus tho and keep looking down at Leah confused although she couldn't see this as she had the back off her head to me, eventually I decided that I was gonna say something in the morning to much has happened today and asking her about reading my messages from Mapi would be to much, I mean surely she did by accident she wouldn't do that on purpose at least I don't think, don't get me wrong I don't have anything to hide and im fine about her looking at my messages but when she opens my unread messages then I don't know how to feel about it and certainly ones off Mapi, Leah let out a laugh at something funny on the tv " did you see his face then" she said to me " no sorry I wasn't watching" I said honestly " come on, its time for bed, don't want you moody in the morning" Leah said kissing my cheek turning off the tv and turning so she was facing me laying on top of me " what me moody in the morning, no such thing" I teased " your funny olly, really funny" Leah said kissing my neck falling asleep.....

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