{HyunLix} - vacation (requested)

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"Whoa," You spoke in awe as you stared out the window from your hotel room. "I can't believe we're here. The view is incredible."

Felix and Hyunjin set the bags down on the floor and stood across the room, watching from afar as you gazed out the window with bright eyes.

You were mesmerized by the gorgeous view outside your villa and knowing that you were here to spend every minute with your boyfriends made this vacation the most special one you've ever been on.

Unfortunately, you can't seem to remember the last time you went on a vacation. It was before you even began dating Felix and Hyunjin.

You were all in need of a vacation but your boyfriends didn't tell you that you'd be going on one until it was time to get ready to pack and head off to the airport.

It was there that you found out where your destination was and it seemed too good to be true.


It's always been a dream vacation spot for you and your boyfriends knew that and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to go.

The place you're staying provides the most breathtaking views.

You had your own private pool, your own personal lily pond, and you could see the river flowing by as you stared out the window.

"So? Do you like it?" Felix asked as he walked up behind you, placing a hand on your hip as Hyunjin put his on your shoulder before laying his chin on your head.

"It's so beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here!"

You turned around and gave them both the biggest hug possible, causing them to grin and hold you tightly.

"We needed a vacation too, darling. We needed some time with our girl. What place could be more dreamy and more relaxing than this place?" Hyunjin asked.

You pulled away and kissed him softly before giving Felix a kiss, too.

"I can't think of any place that could be more perfect. This hotel room is gorgeous. The pool looks so relaxing and this view is crazy." You said and Felix looked out the window, nodding.

"We did good picking where to go. It is a beautiful view." He said as he looked at Hyunjin and then at you.

"Well, yeah, that view is beautiful. But I was actually talking about my view of my boys."

Felix and Hyunjin quickly pulled you back into their arms, peppering kisses across your face as they squeezed you tightly.

"Aren't you just so cute?" Felix smiled, kissing your temple.

"We have a week to spend here. As much as I love this hotel room, we can't spend the whole time in here." Hyunjin said. "There's so much to do, I don't think that'll be a problem for any of us."

"Yeah, I look forward to it. But we had a long flight and this is our first day here so we can stay in the hotel room for today, right? And tomorrow too?" You asked as you gave your boyfriends your big hopeful eyes, knowing they'd cave in seconds.

"Yeah," Hyunjin said. "Anything you want, my love,"

You collapsed onto the bed as they started to look around the spacious and romantic one-bedroom riverfront villa.

The bed felt as though you were floating on a cloud. There was a canopy around it, a sheer and beautiful white color.

And as you closed your eyes, you took a second to realize just how lucky you were to have two amazing boyfriends, whom you love so much.

You nearly fell asleep until the mattress dipped and your boyfriends laid down beside you.

You could feel their eyes on you before Hyunjin began to poke your cheek and as hard as you tried to hold back a smile, it was impossible with how happy you were and how much love in your heart that you have for your boys.

"You're not sleeping," Felix said as he ran his fingers through your hair. "Open those pretty eyes. We've got a lot we can do without even having to leave the villa."

"We were thinking about going for a swim? Or we could do that tomorrow and we could go in the outdoor shower." Hyunjin said as he brushed his fingers across your cheek.

"Or we could go up that staircase and go on the roof-top. We could meditate or just stare out at the view of the gardens and the lotus pond." Felix suggested. "It's up to you, Y/N. You get to pick what we do first."

"I want to go up there."

You got out of bed and your boyfriends happily followed you up the staircase and up to the rooftop, where you all sat down on the long bench and leaned against each other.

You put your head on Hyunjin's shoulder and Felix laid his on yours as you all admired the beautiful view.

"It's going to look even more beautiful at night." You said. "It feels so surreal."

Hyunjin placed his hand over yours that rested on his thigh and Felix took your other hand into his, bringing it to his lips for a kiss.

"I've always wanted to come to Bali." You said with a contented sigh. "But I'm happy I didn't until now."

"Why?" Hyunjin asked.

"Because being here with you two is better than being here with anyone else. It makes it even more special and more sentimental to me. I wouldn't want this with anyone else."

"The feeling is mutual, baby," Felix spoke softly.

"Yeah, very much so. We love you lots. All we want you to do during this vacation is relax. Let go of all of your stresses and your worries. Forget about social media and your phone and everything back home. Let's just be present with each other and be happy." Hyunjin said and you and Felix sent him big, bright smiles.

"We need to do that just as much as you do," Felix said. "We've all been busy. Quality time here together, in the most romantic and beautiful place in the world, makes for the best week-long vacation anyone could ask for."

"I love you both so much." You said as you looked at Hunjin and then at Felix. "I'll never forget even a moment of this."

"Us either, babe," Hyunjin said, kissing your shoulder softly.

Felix softly kissed your other shoulder before closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath, enjoying every second of nature and romance with you and Hyunjin - his two favorite people in the world.

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