{HyunLix} - finding out from your dad that your mom passed away (requested)

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"I'm exhausted." Felix groaned as he and Hyunjin entered the bedroom.

"What a day." Hyunjin sighed. "At least we're home now."

Felix nodded in agreement before he and Hyunjin looked over at you, his smile big and bright as happiness overwhelmed them to finally be home with you.

However, their smiles faded upon seeing that you were wiping tears away from your eyes.

"Y/N? Baby, what's the matter?" Hyunjin asked as he and Felix hurried to the bed.

Sitting down beside you, they pulled you close and started to comfort you.

"Why are you crying?" Felix sadly spoke.

You could see how exhausted they were, despite their worried gazes.

It was understandable how tired they were considering they woke up extremely early this morning and left to go to practice.

You know they're under so much stress and so much pressure from how much they have going on and despite the news you just received, you don't want to make their day harder.

They'd also take time away when they learned the news and you know they can't miss any time right now with a huge comeback around the corner.

You didn't want to bother them and make things worse for them.

So you decided to try and lessen their concern by pretending everything was okay and that you hadn't just received the worst and most devastating news of your entire life.

"I'm okay. I just saw something on social media and it made me cry." You sniffled with a weak and fake chuckle. "I'll be okay."

"Are you sure that's what's bothering you? You can talk to us, baby." Felix said as he and Hyunjin rubbed your back in comfort.

"I'm sure." You sighed. "It's alright, don't worry."

They shared a look of worry and, honestly, they didn't believe you.

But they also didn't want to pressure you or push you into opening up to them if you didn't want to.

So they agreed to drop the subject for the time being.

A couple of days went by and they were in practice, working hard on nailing every important detail.

But the sound of Hyunjin's phone ringing made all of the boys stop.

"Who is it?" Chan wondered as Hyunjin went to see who was calling.

Hyunjin looked at Felix across the room who was wiping his sweat away and joking around with Seungmin when his eyes locked with Hyunjin's.

"It's Y/N's dad."

Felix walked over to him as Hyunjin put your dad on speaker.


"Hyunjin? Hey." Your dad greeted and they both could tell he was crying. "Is Y/N okay? I can't get ahold of her."

"She was sleeping when we left this morning. Is everything okay?" Felix asked.

"No, things have never been so bad and so far away from being okay." Your dad answered. "Is she holding up alright throughout everything?"

"What do you mean? What's going on?" Hyunjin wondered.

"You don't know? She didn't tell you?"

"Tell us what?" Hyunjin asked.

"Oh, my god. Why wouldn't she tell you both this? Two days ago, her mom passed away."

"What!?" They spoke in unison, all of the other boys looking shocked, too. "Her mom wasn't sick, right?"

"No, not at all. It was sudden and unexpected. It was her heart. She had a heart attack."

"I need to sit down for a second," Hyunjin said before handing his phone to Felix and sitting on the floor.

"The funeral is in a couple of days and I'm so worried about Y/N. You both know she loved her mom more than anything and I don't think she's handling it well. She's shutting down."

"We're leaving practice right now and we're going right home. Don't worry, we'll have her call you and let you know she's alright." Felix assured.

"And don't worry, we'll all be at the funeral," Hyunjin said. "The other members will come too."

"I'd appreciate that. Thank you. Take care of my daughter, and boys. Please. She's all I have now." Your dad pleaded.

"We always do and will. Promise." Felix said.

The call ended and they rushed out of practice a second later before hurrying home to you.

They rushed inside your shared home and up the stairs, where they saw you curled up on the bed in tears.

"Y/N?" Hyunjin whispered.

But his voice was loud enough for you to hear as he and Felix got on the bed with you.

"Why wouldn't you tell us about your mom?" Felix asked quietly.

You sat up and stared at them in hurt and sadness.

"You two have so much going on with the comeback approaching... I didn't want to say anything because I knew you'd both take time away and you can't do that right now."

"Like hell, we can't," Hyunjin said. "We can and we did. We always will when it comes to you."

"Y/N, we're so sorry about your mom," Felix said as he brushed his thumb across your cheek.

Your lower lip trembled and you sobbed as they wrapped you in their arms.

"I just can't believe it. It doesn't feel real." You cried. "She was my best friend. What do I do without her?"

Your boyfriends couldn't help but cry with you.

"It was so sudden that I didn't even get to say goodbye or tell her that I love her one last time." You sobbed. "It's so unfair!"

"We know, baby. We're so sorry." Hyunjin whispered.

"I wish she was here. I'd do anything to have her back."

"We'd do anything to bring her back for you if we could, darling. We know how much she means to you." Felix whispered sadly.

"I miss her so much. I love her." You sniffled.

"We know she loves you just as much. You were her everything. She was so proud of you and so proud to be your mom." Hyunjin comforted.

"She loves you both too." You sniffled, finding it too painful to use past tense still. "You're coming to the funeral?"

"Of course we are. We're going to be there with you to comfort and support you." Felix assured.

"And the boys are coming too. They promised already." Hyunjin spoke. "Please don't ever keep anything like this to yourself again. We love you and we're here for you, no matter what."

"Okay." You promised.

"You have to call your dad. He's very worried about you and you need to be here for each other right now." Felix said.

"I will in a few. Can you both just hold me for now? Please?"

"Happily," Hyunjin said before he and Felix continued to hug you tight, swearing to never let you go.

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